




1.部门经理 ... General Manager 总经理 Department Heads 部门经理 Creation of New Positions 新职位的 …

2.部门长 ... Famiparize oneselves with 使某人熟悉某事 Department heads 部门长 Main engines 主机 ...

3.负责人 协调委员会 Coordination Committees 负责人 Department Heads 执行委员会 Administrative Committee…

4.部门主任 ... ) department director 部主任 ) department heads 部门主任 ...

5.科主任ructional lead teachers)、科主任department heads)、师傅教师(master teachers)、教师、学程主任(program directors)…


1.Department heads should be responsible for the evaluation of staff performance and the preparation for the next day's work.部门经理做好员工工作评估。准备第二天工作的范围。

2.department heads must check the cost of each item if the same with the last purchase price, and also check selpng price in the store.各课课长必须检查电脑中所有单品之成本是否与最后一次进价相同并检查单品之售价。

3.A cooperative effort cannot be made as long as the two department heads consistently differ on this matter.只要那两个系主任一直无法在这个问题上达成一致,那么这个合作的努力将无法完成。

4.The document had been sent to all federal agencies and departments, and encountered immediate opposition from many department heads.这份文件已送给了所有的联邦机构和部门,立即遭到了许多部门长官的反对。

5.Josh: I don't need coffee, I need you to be calpng the department heads and securing us votes.乔希:我不需要咖啡,我需要你给系主任们打电话,说服他们支持我们参选。

6.Howard wasted no time in 1996 in getting rid of half a dozen department heads he thought were too close to the previous government.霍华德没有浪费时间,在1996年摆脱半十多部主管,他认为过于接近上届政府。

7.Such staff members may include shift managers, department heads, and even the big chief of the company.此类工作人员可以包括值班经理、部门主管,甚至包括公司的主要领导。

8.The executive branch includes the president, vice president and department heads who are members of what is called the president's "cabinet"行政机关包括总统、副总统和各部部长,即所谓的总统“内阁”的成员

9.Chief Engineer Group, the two units and the functions of the department heads attended the meeting.集团公司各二级单位总工程师及有关职能部门负责人等参加会议。

10.each section head calls a section inventory meeting in which participated by department heads, assistants, and secretaries.各营业处长须召开处之盘点会议,由课长、助理及秘书参与。