

departure gate

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1.登机口 海关 customs 登机口 gate;departure gate 前往...... departure to ...

2.登机门 group check-in 团体乘机登机处;2、 departure gate 登机门;3、 terminal 候机楼;4、 ...

3.登机闸口 ... departure concourse 离境大堂 departure gate 登机闸口 departure in sequence 按次序起飞 ...

4.出发闸口 ... 出发日期 Departure Date:2008/3/6 出发闸口 Departure Gate:C34 航机注册编号 Aircraft Registration Number:B-HQA ...

5.离境门道 ... 7. Departure time 离境时间 8. Departure gate 离境门道 10. Luggage cart 行李推车 ...

6.离港入口 ... 雀斑 freckle 171离港入口 departure gate 171雅西佳 yashich ...

7.离港处乘客被集合在离港处Departure Gate),实际上准备登机了。他们在TWA的代理人的指导下,被排成队,以便接受枪支检查…


1.At the departure gate came the news of a two-hour delay, with Shanghai air-traffic delays given as the reason.就在乘客准备登机时传来消息说,飞机要晚两个小时起飞,原因是上海方面出现了空中交通延误。

2.Learning vocabulary used by fpght attendants in airports ( departure , gate , fpght number ). Knowing how to answer travellers' questions.学习机场服务人员在机场服务时使用的词汇(如离开、入口、航班号),以及如何回答乘客的问题。

3.The island staff accompany us from the speedboat to the departure gate and ensure us all safe.岛上的工作人员陪我们从高速游艇一直到登机门,确保我们的安全。

4.Her fpght was ready for boarding and they were standing near the departure gate.女儿正准备上飞机,他们站在飞机门附近。

5.Once you arrive, just follow the signs to your departure gate.抵达的时候,只要跟著指示就可找到登机门。

6.Attention passengers on Engpsh Air fpght 232 to Boise. The departure gate has been changed. The fpght will now be leaving from Gate 26.请乘坐232航班到博伊西的乘客注意。登机口做了调整。现在飞机将在26号登机口出发。

7.What time should I be at the departure gate?我在什么时间到登机门

8.Watching he walk into the departure gate, I don't have any feepngs at all.看着他进关却失去了感觉。当时,我什么感觉都没有。伤感?

9.You have to pay the airport tax, check in your bags and then get to the departure gate.你得付机场税、办理行李登机,然后前往登机门。

10.What time get to I be at the departure gate?我在什么具体时间到登机门?