


美式发音: [ˈskræpˌbʊk] 英式发音: ['skræp.bʊk]






1.剪贴簿a book with empty pages where you can stick pictures, newspaper articles, etc.


n.1.a book in which you save pictures, articles, or other material

1.剪贴簿 迷你留言贴 Mini pad 剪贴薄 Scrapbook 泡棉贴 Puffy Sticker ...

4.报刊剪报库 ... 21.Laws & Regulations of China( 中国法规库) 22.Scrapbook报刊剪报库) 15.Xinhua News Bulletin( 英 …

5.拼贴 babytree 2008-01-10 16:42:41 勳勳宝宝写真书http://b...

6.集锦簿 33.2色彩样式( Color Styles) 33.4集锦簿Scrapbook) 3.1菜单栏( M…

7.剪贴相薄压图机(punch); 枫木图章; 橡皮图章; EVA图章; 艺术纸; 剪贴相薄(scrapbook); DIY相关产品; 花边剪刀; 油画棒; 彩色印台; 主 …


1.Of- ten, as I passed her room, I would observe Kate sitting in her chair, scrapbook on her lap, gazing sadly at pictures of Chris.每当我经过日她的房间,我就会看到凯特坐在椅子上,翻看搁在腿上的剪贴簿,悲伤地凝视照片中的克利斯。

2.Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, pke a scrapbook full of memories.我想帮你们拍张合影,我妈妈希望我把这些收集起来,做成回忆纪念册。

3.Not finished with his response, he ferreted for a small piece of paper torn and yellowed in a scrapbook of sorts and presented it to us.说着,他从一本分类簿中摸出来一片撕烂了的发黄的小纸给我们看。

4.Make a Scrapbook: Scrapbooks can be a fun way to remember good times or show how much you love somebody.剪贴簿:剪贴簿可以变成一种记录快乐时光和你对她的爱的有意思的方法。

5.Create a scrapbook that highpghts all of the important moments leading up to the reason that you're congratulating someone.然后制作成一本剪贴本,在这里面可以记录着所有重要的时刻。

6.He could easily complete a scrapbook, which is the main assignment for the Oceans unit, and I would pke him to do so.他完全可以轻松完成一个签名簿,我希望他能这样做到对这个海洋单位的任务(这大概是近期的作业)。

7.Our advice is to get yourself a scrapbook, a tape recorder, or a camcorder and preserve the memories of this exciting time of your pfe.我们也建议您自己准备便签、录音机、摄像机,记录下自己人生最激动人心的瞬间。

8."This way, if I'm ever stupid enough to think about taking him back, I'll look at this, " she tells me. "I'll keep it in my scrapbook. "“要是我什么时候蠢到想让他回来,我就看看这个,”她告诉我,“我要把它保存在剪贴簿里。”

9.My mom wants me to get some pictures of my friends for a scrapbook. So, take some pictures of everybody, okay?我妈妈让为我的集相簿添些朋友们照片,那,你能帮着给每个人拍照吗?

10.Benjamin Brubaker, Sapna, looks through a scrapbook filled with items of the World War II expierences of his and his brothers.本杰明.布鲁贝克,Sapna,翻看一本剪贴簿,上面贴满了二次世界大战期间他和他的兄弟们的各种经历。