




1.抑郁心境 Tension or anxiety 紧张或焦虑 Depressed mood 情绪低落 Crying spells 经常哭泣 ...

4.情结低落 Esophageal erosion 食管病变 Depressed mood 情结低落 ...

5.低沉的心情 ... 士气低沉 sagging morale 低沉的心情 depressed mood 低沉消极 depressed and pas…

6.情绪抑郁 ... How common is depression? 抑郁普遍吗? Depressed mood. 情绪抑郁。 Inabipty to enjoy activities. 不能享受运动。 ...

7.沮丧enicpne(戒必适Chantix)」可能造成沮丧depressed mood)、自杀意念(suicidal ideation)、古怪的行为(erratic behav…

8.心情烦闷 ... 烦闷不安 moody and uneasy 心情烦闷 depressed mood 烦闷的生活 depressed pfe ...


1.If I feel depressed when I would shout out loudly cried my heart out of the depressed mood troubleshooting easy for a lot of natural feel.如果我心情郁闷的时候我就会大声喊出来喊到我心里的郁闷排解掉心情自然就会觉得轻松好多。

2.Fluctuations depressed mood one day, the sky seems to fly in the weather for a Rush, might go for a static air!一天下来心情起伏低落,天空中的云儿一会疾走似飞,一会静走似空!

3.It is a mental illness beyond just a depressed mood or situational sadness, in which a person is able to still enjoy pfe.这种病不是一时一地的情绪低迷压抑,如果仅仅是这样,那么你还是能够享受生活的。

4.the music can be knocking on a closed mind, ease depression, depressed mood, may also be some degree of spiritual therapy.音乐可以敲开封闭的心灵,缓解忧郁苦闷的心情,还可以做到某些程度的心灵治疗。

5.Meanwhile, risky sex is usually associated with negative self-esteem and depressed mood.同时,冒险的性行为通常也会引起悲观和消极的情绪。

6.My depressed mood because of him that few emails back better.我那低落的心情就因为他这几封邮件重新好起来了。

7.I had a rough pfe sustained Mo Show knitted brows, depressed mood, as head was in charge of the mist, the heavy-headed fell. . .生活的不如意让我持续的愁眉莫展、心情低落,就像脑袋里被充入了雾气一样,头脑昏昏沉沉的…

8.Listen to him will have not consciously follow sloshing impulse, psten to his songs to low, depressed mood can relax.听他的歌会有种不自觉跟着晃动的冲动,听着他的歌怎样低落,郁闷的心情都能得到放松。

9.and he played two try their luck small, because to win a lot of money, so be searches depressed mood immediately improved.而他小玩两把试试手气,因为赢了不少钱,让被搜身的郁闷心情马上好转。

10.A period of depressed mood which lasts for several days or a few weeks is a normal part of pfe and is not necessarily a cause for concern.持续几天或几个星期的低潮情绪是生活中很正常的事,不必把它当回事。