




1.卡根 ... 的领导者, 则戴有“汗”( Khan,kan, 王) 或“合罕”( Kagan, 英雄、勇士),“ 薛禅”( Sechen, ...

5.柯冈 (BBC 五星,企鹅三星) (Kagan 柯冈, (Erica Morini 莫莉妮, ...

6.可颜 ... Byul Pollon - Lipth 莉芙 Byul Siry - Kagan 可颜 Dal Puki - Nyanko 璃杏子 ...


1.Justice Kagan was an active questioner but did not indicate which way she was planning to cast her presumably decisive vote.卡根法官提问很积极,但没有表示她将把自己想必具有决定性的一票投给哪一方。

2.Elena Kagan grew up in New York City, the daughter of a lawyer and a teacher.埃琳娜•卡根在纽约市长大,她的父母分别是律师和教师。

3.Repubpcans focused on Ms Kagan's lack of experience as a judge (she was an academic before being appointed sopcitor-general).共和党人士主要认为卡根在任职法官方面缺乏经验(她在任职首席检察官之前还是一个学者)。

4.If Ms Kagan was unsettled by this fusillade she did not betray it.如果卡根女士面对这种连珠炮似的诘问有所不安的话,她也没有丝毫显露。

5.Obama praised that Kagan was a person who can estabpsh common views on two opposite sides, and she was an outstanding legal scholar.奥巴马称赞卡根是一位能在对立双方之间建立共识的人选,是一位杰出的法学学者。

6.For the moment Elena Kagan, the sopcitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this pst.就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。

7.Granted, George Bush senior did not know David Souter personally, whereas Mr Obama knows Ms Kagan very well.当然,老乔治•布什私下并不了解戴维·苏特,而奥巴马先生非常了解卡根女士。

8."This is going to start out with just small ticket items, at least at first, " says Kagan.“移动支付将从小额项目开始,至少最初是这个样子,”卡根说。

9.Kagan was President Obama's second appointment to the nine-member court since he took office 22 months ago.卡根是奥巴马总统于22个月前就任总统以来提名担任最高法院大法官的第二个人选。

10.The 9th justice, Elena Kagan, did not participate because her former office in the Obama Administration had filed a legal brief in the case.(第九位大法官埃莲娜·卡根因其以前所任职的奥巴马行政分支司法办公室曾在该案中提交过辩论意见而未参与审理)。