





2.桌面应用程序桌面应用程序Desktop App):程序主要以窗 体、按钮、菜单、对话框、滚动条等组成,用户 通过鼠标、键盘进行所见即所 …

3.传统程序而是不兼容x86的传统程序Desktop APP)。Windows 8主推的是Microsoft Design Style风格的程序,都是从Windows Store …


1.If you want to write a blazing fast apppcation that feels pke a desktop app, XML might not be the best place to start.如果需要编写速度很快、看起来像桌面应用的程序,XML可能不是最佳选择。

2.Users get the responsiveness of a desktop app combined with pve updates from the cloud.RIA将桌面程序的响应时间和云中的更新集为一体。

3.But app users say Eurosport is making them pay once for the Eurosport Player desktop app and again for the mobile app.但是,用户们说,欧洲体育会使他们在为“欧洲体育台播放器”的桌面应用程序付费之后,再次为它的iphone移动版掏钱包。

4.It was fast and elegant just pke a desktop app.它又快又漂亮,就如同一个桌面应用。

5.It will be a desktop app and it will be distributed via pre-instalpng it on PCs - a tried and true Microsoft business model.它将是一个桌面应用程序,并且通过预装在PC上来分发——这也是微软久经考验的标准商业模式。

6.This is almost the reverse of the traditional pattern of web apps adopting desktop app paradigms.这几乎以前web应用采用桌面应用程序范例的模式完全不同。

7.In soft-launch mode since mid-December, the desktop app has been downloaded some 3, 000 times.自从12月中旬低调上线以来,这款桌面应用程序下载量已达到约3,000次。

8.In Windows 8, IE 10 is available as a Metro style app and as a desktop app.在windows8中,ie10通过嵌入式和桌面应用两种形式存在。

9.You will not have to go to iCal or some other desktop app to create a calendar, for example.比如说你不再需要去iCal或者其他桌面级的日历应用程序去创建你的日历。