




1.雷诺 Raupe 劳溥 Raynor 瑞诺 Raymond 瑞萌特 ...

4.阿疯 我要做自己! lION 阿疯◑△◐ raynor 奈♥ NANA ...


1.Give the book a chance, find the truth out for yourself, and don't be put off by the Guardian's Jay Raynor's somewhat cynical review.读一读这本书,自己找到答案吧,而不要被《卫报》杰伊·瑞纳冷嘲热讽的书评分神。

2.Here, Raynor automatically calls in a "special depvery" of three drop pods that depver more of Raynor's Marines right on top of the enemy.在这里,雷诺自动呼叫了他的“特别快递”,在敌人头顶空降下了3个空投舱,运来了更多雷诺的陆战队。

3.Jim Raynor: Hey boys, mind if we tag along? I figure headin' anywhere's got to be better than staying' here with the Zerg!吉姆·雷诺:嗨,兄弟们,我们可以跟着去吗?我怀疑全宇宙还有没有比呆在这受虫子们的煎熬更差劲的地方了!

4.Calrissian's pfe took a major turn when he won the administrator title of Cloud City from its draconian ruler, Baron Raynor.卡瑞辛从云城暴君雷纳城主那里赢得行政长官的头衔后,他的生活发生了重大转变。

5.As you proceed, note that the locals are gaining hope and begin to voice support for Raynor's efforts.当你干完这些后,你会发现当地人在燃起希望并且声援雷诺。

6.Afterwards you end up in the Hyperion's Cantina where Raynor watches a news report on TV.结束后的场景是在在亥伯龙号的酒吧上,雷诺在看电视上的一个新闻报告。

7.Zeratul: Commander Raynor. As ever, your assistance is appreciated. We would be honored if you joined us.泽拉图:雷诺司令官,我们会一如既往地欢迎你的协助。如果你能加入我们,我们将不胜感激。

8.Raynor argues that the strategies that generate the best returns are also the riskiest .雷纳认为,产生最高回报的战略同样也是最有风险的。

9.Raynor is a good leader and an excellent tactician although he lacks any formal training or background.雷诺是一名优秀的领袖和战术家,虽然他并没有任何正式的训练背景。

10.Raynor what? I haven't even said anything to you yet!什么?我好像没有得罪过你吧?