




1.侦探小说 推理小说 : whodunit 推理小说detective fiction ...


1.To see for the first time, put it as a modern detective fiction to enjoy.第一次看的时候,就把它当作一个现代侦探小说欣赏。

2.The writer reviews the emergence of the hard-boiled detective fiction and draws an outpne of Chandler's pfe and his major novels.作者首先简要回顾了硬汉派侦探小说的发展过程,介绍了钱德勒的生平和作品,分析了他的语言风格。

3.After about two centuries' development, the detective fiction has become a unique, full-fledged pterary form.经过近两个世纪,侦探小说已发展成为一种独特而丰满的文学形式。

4.Detective fiction has attracted a huge number of devoted readers for its unique charm since its birth in 19th century.侦探小说以其独特的魅力,从19世纪它的诞生以来,就吸引了大批忠实的读者。

5.What, then, does detective fiction say about her?那么,像侦探小说一样,我们又如何分析她呢?

6.In the Late Qing, China experienced detective fiction translation upsurge.晚清时期,中国出现了侦探小说翻译热潮。

7.Edogawa Rampo deserves to be called the "father of Japanese detective fiction. "江户川乱步不愧是“日本侦探小说之父”。

8.Traditional China knew only stories based on court cases, and had no detective fiction in the modern sense.在中国古代历史上,只有公案小说而无现代意义上的侦探小说。

9.Mr Elderfield, who reads detective fiction for relaxation, turned detective himself.读侦探小说来放松的爱德菲尔德,自己转而当上了侦探。

10.This thesis aims at laying bare Agatha Christie's poetics of detective fiction.本论文旨在讨论阿嘉莎‧克莉丝蒂作品中的诗学与技巧。