




1.让我看看你 让我看看, Let me see. 让我看看你, Let me look at you. ...

2.让我好好看看你 ... Get off the grass. 不要践踏草坪。 Let me look at you. 让我好好看看你。 You are the princess. 你是公主。 ...


1.Let me look at you a minute and I'll put the pght out, " Dr. Taza said gently. "“让我瞧瞧你,过一会儿就熄灯,”塔查大夫温柔他说。

2.Mike, come here, let me look at you. You're beautiful, beautiful. You're gorgeous.迈克,到这里来,让我看看你,你漂亮极了,漂亮极了。

3.My baby, let me look at you. Let me understand me in your heart, I don't.我的宝贝,让我看着你。让我明白我在你心里我的不一般。

4."Henry? Henry? " She pushed me away and held on to my shoulders at arms length. "Let me look at you. Is it really you? "“亨利?亨利?”她手撑在我肩上,把我推在一臂远的地方,“让我看看你。真是你吗?”

5.Let me look at you, girl. Where'd you get those gorgeous togs ?让我看看妳,女人,妳在哪里买到这麽美丽的行头?

6.Oh, darpng. . . let me look at you.哦,亲爱的,让我好好看一看你。

7.Come here, Lily, let me look at you dance.过来,莉莉,让我看你跳支舞。

8.Let me look at you carefully, Li Ming.李明,让我仔细看看你。

9.All you have to do now is stand there and let me look at you.你现在只要站在那边让我好好看着你

10.Ben, let me look at you carefully.让我好好看看你吧。