




1.魔鬼存在于细节中过一番「忍耐」甚至是「努力」才能体会到的,如果说「成败就在细节中」 (Devil is in the details) ,那麽专精於贴心服务的 …

5.魔鬼在细节d is in the details),而非 “魔鬼在细节之中” (devil is in the details)。


1.When the hard part of what you are trying to do is in the many small details, you can say "the devil is in the details. "当你所正在尝试做的难部份是在许多小的细节中的时候,你能说“魔鬼是在细节中”。

2.Example: "I can sketch a basic outpne of the plan for you and it may look very simple, but the devil is in the details. "例子:“我能为你和它描绘略图计划的一个基本的大纲可能看起来非常简单,但是魔鬼是在细节中”。

3.It may seem boring and pke an intimidating amount of info to take in, but the devil is in the details.那也许很枯燥,而且你必须吸收一大堆恐吓信息。但是魔鬼就藏在那些细节里。

4.The officer who spoke on condition of anonymity Thursday said, "the devil is in the details. "这位不愿意透露姓名的官员星期四表示,“细节决定成败”。

5.The devil is in the details, though, and Carnegie's simple prose does a fine job of pointing the way.当然,重点在于细节,而卡内基率直的散文很好地指明了方向。

6.But some traders said implementing the agreement will present major challenges, observing that the devil is in the details.不过一些交易商表示执行协议将面临很大的挑战很多问题隐藏在细节内。

7.That seems simple enough, particularly with modern distributions, but the devil is in the details.这看似非常简单,对于现代发行版尤为如此,但其问题全出在细节方面。

8.But the devil is in the details, and there is plenty of scope in these for explosive clashes with other EU countries.但是,邪门的地方就在细节中,有很多会引发和其他欧洲国家的激烈冲突。

9.As with any programme of this kind, the devil is in the details.正如任何其他此类项目一样,魔鬼存在于细节之中。

10.However, as in many cases, the devil is in the details.然而,和许多情形中所出现的情况一样,细节最令人头疼。