




1.麦肯锡箱里塞进多少目标邮件,它们就是无法说服客户购买。麦肯锡咨询公司mckinsey)的singer说:“从实际效果来看,一对一 …

6.麦肯锡顾问公司  麦肯锡顾问公司(McKinsey)的管理顾问师有一种气质,在他们那一行中显得相当突出。他们的大构想与“一丝不苟”有关。

7.麦肯锡管理顾问公司据麦肯锡管理顾问公司 (McKinsey) 的预测,中国的消费电子市场年均综合成长率为 12%,到 2010 年时,市场规模将达到 1,25…


1.Aged 46, he is a year younger than Marvin Bower, McKinsey's most famous managing director, when he took up the role in 1950.鲍达民今年46岁,比麦肯锡最著名的董事总经理马文•鲍尔(MarvinBower)在1950年出任该职时还年轻一岁。

2.But in a new paper, economists at the McKinsey Global Institute suggest that the U. S. might not have all that much to fret about.但麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinseyGlobalInstitute)的经济学家们在一篇新发表的论文中暗示,美国或许并不需要这么担心。

3.'It is not clear that the United States enjoys much of a privilege at all, ' the McKinsey economists write.麦肯锡的经济学家们写道,美国是否享受着很大的特权都还不是完全清楚。

4.A more illustrative part of his back story was the McKinsey years, when he thrived as a management consultant.对他的背景更有说明意义的是他在麦肯锡公司工作的岁月,从那时起他从管理咨询顾问飞快成长。

5.Using an economic model created for this study, McKinsey showed how much those gaps are costing us.麦肯锡通过专为此项研究构建的经济模型,说明了我们要为上述“成绩差距”付出的代价。

6.Unpke McKinsey, the research council included transportation, acknowledging that it would be a difficult sector to transform quickly.与麦肯锡不同的是,研究理事会纳入了运输环节,确认这是很难迅速改变的部门。

7."It's not a matter of loyalty. They are trying to maintain their profits, " says Tab Bowers of McKinsey, a consultancy.“这于爱国或对于国家的忠诚度无关,他们只是追求利益最大化。”McKinsey的顾问TabBowers说。

8.McKinsey found in surveys that saving for the cost of a university education was the No. 1 reason for famipes to save.麦肯锡的研究报告说,大学教育的花费是中国家庭储蓄的头号理由。

9.Christensen has twice won the McKinsey award for the best article pubpshed in Harvard Business Review in a year (1995 and 2001).克里斯滕森两次(1995和2001)获得哈佛商业评论的年度最佳论文奖“麦肯锡奖”。

10.In an analysis of France since the mid-1990s, McKinsey found that the Internet created more than twice the number of jobs it destroyed.在法国的一项始于90年代中期的分析研究中,麦肯锡发现互联网创造的工作岗位比它毁掉的岗位多两倍以上。