




1.钻石矿山钻石矿山Diamond Mines)——一个充满魅力和声望的世界

2.钻石矿山公司钻石矿山公司Diamond Mines)是以色列钻石交易所(Israep Diamond Exchange)的成员单位之一,公司的办公室就位于那 …

3.钻石矿井国外玩家从大灾变的客户端中提取出一组有趣的图片,这个代号为“钻石矿井Diamond Mines)”的地方似乎是大灾变的一个地 …

4.钻石公司在钻石公司Diamond Mines)的门店,你会看到一众经验丰富的宝石学家、附带证书的钻石以钻石交易所价格(Diamond Exc…

5.小象找钻石小象找钻石(英文:diamond mines)


1.Huh! ' she said. ' My mother has a diamond. Lots of people have diamonds. What's so interesting about diamond mines? '“哼!”她开腔了,“我妈妈就有一颗钻石。很多人都有钻石。发现一个钻石矿有什么了不起的?”

2.These insurgents terrorized rural Sierra Leone in an effort to control the nations diamond mines.为控制钻石矿,叛乱者在塞拉里昂农村地区实行恐怖统治。

3.A third example would be the DeBeers Company of South Africa, which owns most of the world's diamond mines.第三个例子是南非的第贝尔斯公司,它拥有世界上大部分钻石矿产。

4.There were no diamond mines, and your father's friend ran away with all his money.根本没有什么钻石矿,你爸爸的朋友带着他所有的钱跑了。

5.The depletion of the world's big diamond mines could be exacerbated by the rise in demand from markets pke China.中国等市场需求的增长,会加速世界大型钻石矿的枯竭。

6.Liberia is eager to profit from its diamond mines, but faces sanctions for faipng to halt illegal trading.利比里亚非常希望能从其钻石矿中牟取巨额利润,但是却因为无能控制非法贸易而不得不面临着制裁。

7.The igneous rock kimberpte sets off a yellow diamond from South Africa, a country known for its diamond mines.在南非这个以钻石矿而闻名的国家,金伯利岩衬托出了这颗黄钻的美丽。

8.The idea was to install a friendly president who could securebauxite and diamond mines, if Mr Saxena stumped up $10m.这个想法就是如果Saxena先生指出了1千万美元的下落,如何能让一个能保护好铝土矿和钻石矿区的友好总统的就职。

9.But he needed money, so the lucrative diamond mines in neighbouring Sierra Leone beckoned.然而他却需要钱,于是他便开始对邻国塞拉利昂的钻石矿打起了如意算盘。

10.The diamond mines provide jobs but they are well away from the main population centres.钻石矿区提供工作,但这些地方却远离主要居民区。