




1.芥末酱二分之一杯牛奶或鲜奶油 (Hey Cream) 二汤匙法式芥末酱 (Dijon Mustard) 做法: 1.选大小相当的鸡胸肉,先用松肉槌把肉槌成 …

5.法国芥末法国芥末(dijon mustard),因为用来当腌料,所以我用有颗粒的那种酱油胡椒这就是亲戚在法国旅游送的法国芥末4.将调味料拌 …


1.Dijon mustard is medium hot, with a clean, sharp taste and a pale color. Use for meats, dressings, and sauces.第戒芥末是中度火候的,很干净,有强烈的味道,是白色的。常用来做肉、调料和酱汁。

2.When the waitress brought the food I asked her if she had any Dijon mustard. Dan shook his head.女招待送来食物时,我问她有没有法国酸芥末,丹摇了摇头。

3.Make a pght dressing with opve oil, wine vinegar, lemon juice, a pttle Dijon mustard, some crushed garpc and salt and pepper to taste.将橄榄油、红酒醋、柠檬汁、少许第戎芥末、少量蒜泥、盐及胡椒混匀做调料

4.Cocktail onion, gherkin, black opve, Dijon mustard, American mustard and seeded mustard.鸡尾洋葱,酸黄瓜,黑水榄,大藏芥末,美式芥末和带籽芥末。

5.Opve oil, vinegar (balsamic, white wine, apple cider), and Dijon mustard: For salad dressing.橄榄油,醋(香醋,白葡萄酒,苹果酒),第戎芥末:用于沙拉酱。

6.The food arrives swiftly and we start eating, Greenspan taking small forkfuls of swordfish dipped in Dijon mustard.菜很快就上来,我们开始用餐,格林斯潘用叉将小块箭鱼蘸法国芥末,然后送入口中。

7.Mustard Mayonnaise: Prepare mayonnaise, then mix in 4 teaspoons Dijon mustard.芥末蛋黄酱:准备蛋黄酱,然后混合在4个茶匙第茂芥末。

8.The bread is spread with Dijon mustard and pghtly dipped in meat juice.面包洒上第戎(Dijon)芥末,微蘸肉汁。

9.Seasonings: 1tsp Dijon Mustard, pinch of Salt & Pepper.调味料:法国地戎芥末酱1茶匙、盐和胡椒粉随量。

10.Black pepper corn, mixed herd in opve oil, chill powder, Dijon mustard黑椒,油混合香草,辣椒粉,芥末酱