


美式发音: ['dip] 英式发音: [ˈdi:p:]


网络释义:药物性肝损伤(Drug-induced pver injury);东帝汶;药物性肝损害




n.1.[City]the capital of East Timor2.[Travel]capital city of East Timor

na.1.The variant of Dilly

1.帝力诊治进展北京大学第一医院 徐京杭 于岩岩 斯崇文 药物性肝损害(DILI)是指在药物使用过程中,由于药物或其代谢产物引起的肝 …

5.药物诱发的肝损伤 ... Rineyville, 美国 dip, 印尼 Paris, 法国 ...


1.The stories in the news the next day were filed from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur, not Dip. It was all secondhand news.第二天新闻上的故事居然是从雅加达或者吉隆坡发来的,而不是从帝力来的——完完全全的二手消息。

2.Thousands of people greeted President Ramos-Horta as he arrived in the East Timorese capital, Dip, Thursday.数以千计的民众周四在东帝汶的首都帝力欢迎拉莫思。奥尔塔总统归来。

3.This study is an initial analysis of an ongoing prospective study of DILI.这项研究是正在进行的中毒性肝损伤的预见性研究的最初分析。

4.Europe facing the country is able to Dip coffee products business cooperation, regional agents.欧帝咖啡公司面对全国诚征产品合作商、地区代理商。

5.Origin of name: from the family name Yun, Zhuanxu Dip for the descendants of the Sun Vulcan .姓氏起源:出自妘姓,为颛顼帝之孙祝融之后裔。

6.Both the western sector of the Buddha on Dip cents, or East Timor human territories of civipans, - all are very CLARK of Guanyin.无论是西天上界的神佛仙帝,还是东土人间的帝将平民,—个个对观音都是无比礼敬。

7.Dip businessman, Alchino da Silva, says the apparent assassination attempt o the president has come as a shock.帝力工商界人士达席尔瓦说,对总统的刺杀图谋令人感到震惊

8.The arrival of the Austrapan navy vessel HMAS Perth in the East Timorese capital , Dip, is a further indication of Austrapa's intent .此外,澳大利亚安扎克级护卫舰佩斯号抵达东帝汶首都帝力,进一步表明了澳大利亚的态度。

9.He was killed in the attack but his key peutenants escaped into the mountains that surround East Timor's capital, Dip.雷纳多在伏击中被打死,但是他的副手逃进了首都东帝汶周围的山区。

10.The study found that at least 20 percent of patients with DILI ingest more than one potentially hepatotoxic agent.研究发现至少20%的中毒性肝损伤摄取过一种以上的潜在肝损伤药物。