


网络释义:申请人请求继续审查(Request for Continued Examination);谐振腔增强型


1.申请人请求继续审查(Request for Continued Examination)Request for Continued ExaminationRCE) 请求继续审查:延续审查案通常会在申请人收到最终核驳后的六个月内提出。

2.谐振腔增强型谐振腔增强型RCE)光探测器具有高速、高量子效率和波长选择等性能,是高速光通信系统和全光网络中的关键器件。本课 …


1.Today RCE is market leader in the supply of these furnaces for the calcination of raw materials used for refractory apppcations.是提供这些耐火材料应用中煅烧原料的窑炉的市场领先者。

2.Today RCE is market leader in the supply of this kiln type for sintering of raw materials used for refractory apppcations.是这类用于耐火材料应用的原料的烧结窑的市场领先者。

3.Objective: To observe the in fluence of RCE on lymphocyte, Peripheral blood white cells and marrow cells.目的:观察托盘根提取物(RCE)对淋巴细胞、外周血白血细胞和骨髓细胞的影响。

4.Groom cent is 4 period, spread out around two content: ORACLE database OCA grooms, engineer of attestation of red flag LINUX (RCE) grooms.培训分为四期,围绕两项内容展开:ORACLE数据库OCA培训,红旗LINUX认证工程师(RCE)培训。

5.A special double-cavity RCEdetector is designed and analyzed, which carries high quantum efficiency and narrow-banddetection spectrum.设计和分析了双腔RCE探测器,该探测器具有高量子效率和窄带的探测谱;

6.Shrimp is the rich sou rce of protein, vitamins and minerals, featured with low calorie content, and it is easy tod digest.虾为蛋白质,维生素及矿物质的丰富来源,卡路里含量低,容易消化。

7.Fpp Chip Assembly Hybrid Optoelectronic Integrated RCE Photo-detector Arrays倒装焊组装的光电混合集成RCE探测器面阵

8.Based on this design and in response to market requirements RCE subsequently designed and patented a high efficiency,基于这种设计和市场需求的响应,

9.The Welfare Analysis of Duopoly Firms Based on RCE基于RCE条件下双头垄断的福利分析