




1.罗伯逊 2. Alpster Carter 卡特 4. Ding Junhui 罗伯逊 5. Shaun Murphy 墨菲 ...

2.英文名 ... 中文名: 傅家俊 英文名: Marco Fu 中文名: 丁俊晖 英文名Ding Junhui 中文名: 马克-艾伦 英文名: Mark …


1.Liang is just so popular over there now and I think he might have even overtaken Ding Junhui in the popularity stakes.梁文博现在也非常受欢迎,我认为他的受欢迎度有可能会超过丁俊晖。

2.On the contrary Ding Junhui is not a state of good looks, Harold always seize the first opportunity.相反丁俊晖则看起来状态不是很好,总是让哈罗德先抓住机会。

3.Ding Junhui said he felt lucky to have the chance to play against world-class opponents.能和世界级高手交手,丁俊晖说自己感到很幸运。

4.Ding Junhui, who won the prestigious Masters tournament on Sunday and is idopsed in his native China, has been seen sporting a red jersey.在家乡中国被当做偶像,刚刚夺得著名的大师杯冠军的丁俊晖,身穿红军球衣出现在大家面前。

5.If 2005 was the year that Ding Junhui exploded onto the international snooker scene, then 2006 could be the year he becomes a legend.如果说2005年是丁俊辉在国际斯诺克台球界异军突起的一年,那么2006年就是他成为传奇的一年。

6.The new season of the doldrums , so that the next treasure Ding Junhui more per game.新赛季的低迷,让丁俊晖更加珍惜接下来的每一场比赛。

7.Star snooker player Ding Junhui announced his comeback by winning his second UK Championship title.台球明星丁俊晖再次赢得英国锦标赛冠军,高调复出。

8.Comparatively, Ding Junhui in the technology, the experience and the psychological quapty is maturer .相比之下,丁俊晖在技术、经验和心理素质上都更为成熟。

9.Finally, they ran out of their savings as Ding Junhui took part in more and more competitions. His father had to work as a casual laborer.随着丁俊晖参赛越来越多,他们的积蓄最后都花光了,父亲只好外出打些零工帮补。

10.Ding Junhui in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games team gold won a snooker.丁俊晖在2010广州亚运会上夺得一块斯诺克团体金牌。