




1.别进来 ... 天晴了,太阳把三只蝴蝶的翅膀晒干了。 Sunny,the sun to dry three wings of a butterfly. 别进来Do not come in! ...


1.For cancer control in low- and middle-income countries, breakthroughs do not come in the form of spectacular new drugs for cure.就中低收入国家的癌症控制而言,突破并不是以引人注目的特效新药的形式出现的。

2.Key parts of the Basel III regulations do not come in to force until 2013, Clark said, giving banks some time to plug the gap.Clark表示,巴塞尔III的重要规定在2013年之前不会实行,让银行有时间可以填补资本缺口。

3.Now, go quickly and by back ways and when you return do not come in this house if you see signs of soldiers about.你从后门赶快走吧,回来的时候,要是发现周围有军队的迹象。就别进来了。

4.If the kids do not come in with their math, Engpsh, or reading skills at grade level, there's only so much you can do.如果来上课的孩子们没有达到相应的数学、英语或阅读水平,那么你就有很多工作要做了。

5.Are surfaces which do not come in contact with product cleaned on schedule using adequate methods?不与产品接触的设备和器具表面是否获得定期清洁?方法是否正确?

6.Yellow butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!黄蝴蝶,白蝴蝶,别进来!

7.Red butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!红蝴蝶、白蝴蝶,别进来!

8.Read, or do not read me, love do not come in that do not.念,或者不念我,情就在那不来不去。

9.Don't wear jeans, if you do, please do not come in.不要穿牛仔裤,如果你做了,请不要进来。

10.Do not come in unless asked.非请莫入。