


美式发音: [ˈdəʊhɑː] 英式发音: [ˈdəuhə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Qatar

1.多哈 (Moscow, 俄罗斯联邦) (Doha, 卡塔尔) (Ofterschwang, 德国) ...

3.杜哈 442.Saraha 萨惹哈 444.Doha 证道歌 445.Chinta Yogini 钦塔瑜珈女 ...

8.卡达多哈*卡达多哈(Doha)的周二妇女协会(Tuesday Ladies Group)捐出三千六百美元给衣索比亚首都的妇女医院*土库曼(Turkmenista…


1.He said the UK side is ready to work with China to fight against protectionism and push forward the Doha round of talks.英方愿同中方共同努力,反对保护主义,推动多哈回合谈判取得进展。

2.He said it would be a huge mistake for countries to allow the Doha round to die.他说,各国让多哈回合失败会是很大的错误。

3.We have seen a year in which the commitments reached at Doha, Monterrey, and Johannesburg have laid a new basis for a global deal.在过去一年里,我们目睹了在多哈、蒙特雷和约翰内斯堡取得的承诺已经为达成全球共识奠定了新的基础。

4.Those figures found a ready place in almost every news report about the Doha round that autumn.在那年秋季这些数据几乎在各类新闻中随处可见。

5.This would anticipate the changing interests and concerns of all the big trading nations in a way that the Doha agenda did not.这种计划应预见到多哈回合谈判没有预见到的东西——各贸易大国不断变化的利益和关切。

6.Doha added a fiction all of its own with the idea of a "development round" , seen as a clever way of giving grubby trade some moral appeal.发展回合的观念给多哈本身增加了虚构成.分,它被看作是一种聪明的做法,给肮脏的贸易增加了一些宁德吸引力。

7.Finishing the Doha round could also help his administration flaunt its pro-business credentials, which have been under question of late.完成多哈回合也有助于表明他的政府是支持企业的,最近这一点一直受到质疑。

8.In trying to resuscitate Doha, Mr Bush will be able to draw on support from business lobby groups.通过努力挽救多哈回合贸易谈判,布什将可以赢得商业游说团体的支持。

9.But it is clear, he adds, that the Doha project is now outdated. 'Look how much the world has changed since 2001, ' he says.他说,不过多哈方案现在显然过时了,看看2001年以来世界变了多少。

10.The last Doha round was as big a missed opportunity for China as for the rest of us.中国和其余国家都错失了最后一轮多哈会谈的良机。