




1.萧 SHING 成, 成, 城, 盛, 胜, 诚, 铖 SHIU SHP 十 ...

2.下半年 ... 下午茶 Tea 下半年 shiu 下半旗 half-mast ...

3.邵 ... 史 Shi Shiu 冼 Sin ...

4.秀 周 Chou Shiu 穗 Sui ...

5.鑐 @【釭】 Gang @【Shiu @【钉】 Ding ...


1.Mr. Shiu says he is still negotiating a release date for Singapore, whose censors presumably would require a less sexually charged version.萧定一说,他仍在商谈影片在新加坡上映的事,新加坡的电影审查部门大概会要求删减一些影片的色情内容。

2.It is part of an existing pubpc passage and is accessible from Bowen Road or Shiu Fai Terrace.属现有公共通道的部分,可由宝云道或肇辉台前往。

3.Under constant interest, we derive an integro-differential equation for the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted function.在固定利息力作用下,推导出了罚金折现函数所满足的微积分方程。

4.Writer and producer Stephen Shiu told local media the film would feature some " very graphic sex scenes" .编剧兼制片人萧若元告诉港媒这部电影的特色就在于“情爱场面十分生动”。

5.Shiu Wing was founded by the late Mr. Pong Ding Yuen in 1950 as a ship -breaking operation in Kwai Chung.绍荣钢铁是由庞鼎元先生于1950年创立,在葵涌以拆船作业开始;

6.Lockers in Room 109 of Tsang Shiu Tim Building are now available for loan to non-residential students.书院于曾肇添楼地下一零九室设有储物箱,供走读生借用。

7.The 3-D remake is the brainchild of Stephen Shiu Jr. and his father, Stephen Shiu, who produced the 1991 version.这种3D再造技术是斯蒂芬。刘.Jr及其父亲斯蒂芬。刘的创意,后者拍摄了《肉蒲团》1991年的版本。

8.Follow the pedestrian bridge, then walk along Shiu Wo Street and Tsuen Wan Market Street to reach the park about 20 minutes.地铁荃湾站,越过人行天桥,再沿兆和街和荃湾街市街步行约20分钟。

9.Dr Wilpam HO Shiu-wei, JP has decpned to make any comments on or propose any corrections to this verbatim transcript of his evidence何兆炜医生,JP拒绝对其证供的逐字纪录本置评或提出任何更正

10.Hu Shiu Ying Scholarship for Academic Excellence胡秀英学业优异奖学金