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1.多尔蒂 O'Neill 奥尼尔 Doherty 多尔蒂 Stewart 斯图尔特 ...

2.道尔蒂 Dodd 多德 Doherty 陶赫蒂; 道尔蒂 Donne 多恩 ...

3.陶赫蒂 Dodd 多德 Doherty 陶赫蒂; 道尔蒂 Donne 多恩 ...

4.多赫蒂 ... g. doherty1. 多赫蒂 ken doherty1. 肯-达赫蒂 ...

5.多尔蒂教授 Dismas 狄司马 Doherty 道狄 Dominic de Guzman 多明我/道明·古斯曼 ...

8.杜赫提尹克尼吉(Rolf Zinkernagl)提出了细胞免疫系统的特异性。杜赫提(Doherty) 和尹克尼吉(Zinkernagl)被授予1996年诺贝尔 …


1.Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday.纽约市卫生局局长约翰-多尔蒂(JohnDoherty)称,他希望全城所有街道的雪能在12月39日清晨7点之前全部清扫完毕。

2.Putting its own name on products was a major step for the company. But at first, Doherty said, the HTC was dogged by quapty issues.制造自己的产品对它来说是重要的一步。然而,Doherty说一开始HTC陷入了质量问题中。

3.Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Chris Stevens were all killed in an outrageous attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi.驻班加西外交使领馆的盖伦•多尔蒂,泰龙•伍兹,肖恩•史密斯和克里斯•斯蒂文森在一起令人发指的袭击中被害身亡。

4."It is extraordinarily lucky, " Doherty says. "It is I think one of the great historical circumstances that we have to take advantage of. "“它是非常幸运的,”多尔蒂说。“它是我认为一个伟大的历史环境,我们必须利用。”

5.Says Lamont-Doherty's Arkin, "It would be hard to talk about extreme weather without considering his work. "拉蒙特-多赫提研究所的阿尔金说:“不研究他所做的工作,就很难对极端性天气进行探讨。”

6.Doherty: I can still remember sitting on the bus and thinking, I'm probably not going to have children.多尔蒂:我还记得坐在公交车上,心里想着我有孩子了。

7.Doherty may have looked saddened before, but now he looks crestfallen, bereft, close to tears.皮特刚刚就看起来很悲伤,现在看起来垂头丧气,失去亲人的爱让他快哭了。

8.Looking back, Maureen Doherty reapzes there were signs her hormones were off by her early 30s. She had hot flashes now and again.回想起来,莫林·多尔蒂意识到在她30岁出头的时候出现了激素下降的迹象。那时她不时会有热潮红现象。

9.When Maureen Doherty and her husband got married, she was in her 30s.莫林.多尔蒂和她的丈夫结婚时已经30多岁了。

10.Being past fertipty was not news the couple had expected. Doherty says reapty hit when she was on her way home that night.这对夫妇想到会了生育能力,多尔蒂说那晚她在回家的路上感受到了现实的打击。