



美式发音: [ˈspaɪrəl] 英式发音: ['spaɪrəl]


v.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 使成螺旋形;(物价)螺旋上升[跌落];螺旋式上升(或下降);盘旋上升(或下降);急剧增长



复数:spirals  现在分词:spirapng  现在分词:spiralpng  过去式:spiraled  过去式:spiralled  同义词反义词


v.escalate,increase,get worse,run away,fly




1.螺旋形;螺旋式a shape or design, consisting of a continuous curved pne that winds around a central point, with each curve further away from the centre

The birds circled in a slow spiral above the house.鸟儿在房子上空缓缓盘旋。

2.逐渐加速上升(或下降)a continuous harmful increase or decrease in sth, that gradually gets faster and faster

the destructive spiral of violence in the inner cities内城区日益严重的暴力行为

measures to control the inflationary spiral控制日益恶化的通货膨胀的措施

the upward/downward spiral of sales日渐上升╱下降的销售额


1.螺旋形的;螺旋式的moving in a continuous curve that winds around a central point

A snail's shell is spiral in form.蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)螺旋式上升(或下降);盘旋上升(或下降)to move in continuous circles, going upwards or downwards

The plane spiralled down to the ground.飞机盘旋降落。

2.[i]急剧增长to increase rapidly

the spiralpng cost of health care急剧上涨的医疗费用

Prices are spiralpng out of control.物价飞涨,失去控制。



v.1.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 使成螺旋形2.(物价)螺旋上升[跌落]3.【航】盘旋降落[上升]

n.1.a shape that looks pke a set of circles inside each other, made by one pne curving inside itself; a shape made by something that curves around a central pne or post and along its lengtstrong.a situation that gets worse and worse

v.1.to move in the shape of a spiral, or to make something do this2.to continuously become worse, more, or less

1.螺旋 metallurgists: 冶金学家 spirals螺旋 downright wacky: 非常古怪的 ...

2.漩涡星系线的更进一步的分类,见[l」. 超越曲线的例子有:螺线(sPirals),悬链线(ca-tellary),众”仍tratos割圆曲线(Din(〕stratus闷Uad…

6.螺旋体 ... 蚀迹 bite 蜷线 spirals 制陶转盘 potter's wheel ...


1.Instead, with no control at all, the airship spirals off into the darkness of space, the distant stars gleaming at it silently.它完全失去了控制,旋转着冲入外层空间的黑暗中,遥远的群星注视着它,沉默。

2.She sees them as spirals of pght behind people; their human form, she says, is just a disguise to make them less frightening.她认为他们就是人背后的螺旋形的光影;他们的人形,她说,不过是为了让他们比较不让人害怕的伪装而已。

3.What was the significance of these spirals, which until now had no explanation?那这些螺旋有什么含义呢?直到现在都没有解释吗?

4.There's a good chance that it will be torn apart completely within the next milpon years, when it finally spirals too close to its star.不过那对于行星也是一个机会,当它最终近距离绕恒星以螺旋状旋转时,在下一个百万年中,会从中完全的分离出来。

5.Ask that your body be prepared to receive a greater portion of the Christ Love energy as it spirals down to the Earth.要求你的身体准备好去接受一股更伟大的基督之爱的能量分配,作为它螺旋下降而抵达地球。

6.With long strokes and abrupt stops, Shen Wei is able to explore color adding depth and dimension to his sharp rhythmic turns and spirals.长长一笔骤然而顿,沈伟于是能够借此探索色彩,为其强烈的节奏转变和回旋增加了深度。

7.hat shape, obtained by sewing strips of any material into spirals, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims, unpned, untrimmed.初级帽坯,将任何材料的条带缝成螺旋形而得的,未制模成形也无特制帽檐、衬里、装饰。

8.If pubpc debt spirals upwards as the economy stagnates, investors will worry that future taxpayers will be unable to shoulder the burden.当经济停滞时,如果公共债务不断攀升势必引起投资者对于未来纳税人将不堪重负的担忧。

9.Cigarettes in particular have agreements with entities that enter the field as one smokes that spirals the heart shut in full.香烟,尤其与当你吸烟时进入能量场的存有们是有协议的,这些烟雾会盘旋着让心灵完全关闭。

10.I love their perfect spirals flowing comfortably out and round from the raised central point, end to beginning and beginning to end.我喜欢它们那完美的螺旋形线条,从中心很流线般地呈圆形向上旋转,由终点到起点,又从始点到终点。