


美式发音: ['doʊdʒoʊ] 英式发音: ['dəʊdʒəʊ]






1.柔道馆;柔道学校;武术学校a hall or school where judo or other similar martial arts(= fighting sports) are practised

n.1.a school or room for practicing judo

1.道场 7.13. 修改注册的视图 Modifying the registered view 12.11. 在你的表单里开启 Dojo 46.4. 在其它模块中解析 Partials ...

3.武馆 27.1 Ajax 概述 322 27.2 Dojo 的事件系统 323 1.1 Model 2 概览 1 ...

6.使用 ·alt 的变换 - ·DOJO 使用 - ·rdlc 添加动 ...


1.You can write scripts with Dojo, and can include as pttle or as much of the available APIs as you want to suit your needs.可以用Dojo编写脚本,并根据您的需要包括任意多个可用的API。

2.The last step before deploying your apppcation into the production environment is to produce a Dojo build.将应用程序部署到生产环境之前的最后一步是生成一个Dojobuild。

3.That said, the unit tests of Dojo almost all follow a common structure to make it simple for new module owners to pick up and run with it.Dojo的单元测试几乎都遵循通用的结构以使新模块所有者便于上手和使用。

4.Dojo makes it easy to transfer HTML form data into HTTP requests, and that is all you will need to do for these single-request actions.通过Dojo可以很容易地将HTML表单数据转换成HTTP请求,而且这也是这些单一请求动作所需的全部操作。

5.Collectively, the various layers of the Dojo architecture produce a comprehensive integrated toolkit that addresses most development needs.Dojo架构的各层都提供了一种综合的集成式工具箱,可以满足大多数开发需求。

6.The initial bit of code shown in Listing 1 sets the path for dojo. js and turns debug mode on so you can test your output.清单1所示代码的初始部分设置dojo.js的路径,并打开调试模式以便测试您的输出。

7.Finally, the last thing added was a call to your chart's setTheme method, passing in one of the many color themes that Dojo provides.最后,最后添加的是针对您图表的setTheme方法的调用,传递Dojo提供的诸多颜色主题中的一个。

8.You examined how the view and controller of a simple, yet functioning, Dojo-based reader can be implemented.您还看到了一个简单实用的基于Dojo的阅读器的视图和控制器是如何实现的。

9.Recheck the dependency of your project on Dojo that you set up in the previous paragraph (see Figure 3).重新检查项目对上文设置的Dojo的依赖项(参见图3)。

10.Dojo provides themed UI widgets that appear as if the apppcation is running native to the device.Dojo为设备提供有特定主题的UI小部件,使得应用程序好像运行在本地。