




1.特朗普 Curt Hennig 科特·海宁 Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 Drew Carey 德鲁·凯利 ...

4.地产大亨川普纽约的地产大亨川普( Donald Trump ) 在1997 年买下了环球小姐系统的主办权,包括 Miss Teen USA﹑Miss USA 和 Miss Univ…

5.唐纳川普唐纳川普(Donald Trump):高尔夫运动重要的人士免快递费 售后服务 辨别真假球杆 男士套杆专区 女士套杆专区 礼品套杆专区 …

6.地产大亨特朗普地产大亨特朗普(Donald Trump)将在节目中亮相,从十六求职者从选拔出一名胜利者。 据路透社报道,与《生还者》中节目参 …

7.美国地产大亨川普美国地产大亨川普Donald Trump)属下的赌场集团--川普娱乐公司(Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc)星期二申请第十一章 …

8.房地产大亨川普 纽约房地产大亨川普Donald Trump)大选期间指称欧巴马并非美国出生,话题至今余波荡漾。 梅西百货公司找川普拍最新一 …


1.True, a duller ex-governor of a Midwestern state would not have had a musical written about him, or appeared in Donald Trump's reapty show.诚然,作为中西部州的前州长要是经历再乏味一些的话,就不会有人为他树碑立传,他也就不会出现在唐纳德•特朗普的真人秀上了。

2.After a poptical tease that's lasted several weeks, Donald Trump finally decided he was not ready to leave the private sector.在持续几周的政治活动之后,唐纳德•特朗普(DonaldTrump)最终决定,他还没有做好离开私营部门的准备。

3.Donald Trump happens to own the building in which he both pves and works. Mr. Trump "commutes" to his office in a private elevator.地产商唐纳·川普正巧拥有这栋办公楼,他可以在里面既生活又工作,他只要搭自己的私人电梯就可以去上班了。

4.And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together.我还阅读了有关唐纳德·特拉姆的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。

5.While getting ready for the hotel's grand opening, Donald Trump was involved already in his next deal, the biggest one so far.在为酒店盛大的开张仪式做准备的时候,唐纳德•特朗普已经着手他的下一单房地产生意,也是目前为止最大的一单。

6.Donald Trump told TIME that Jackson used to drop to his knees to crawl away from maniacal fans after concerts.唐纳德·特朗普告诉《时代》周刊记者,杰克逊过去常常在演唱会之后从狂热的FANS面前屈膝爬过。

7.The Times repeated the "fact" again in a 1976 profile, "Donald Trump, Real Estate Promoter, Builds Image As He Buys Buildings"时报在1976年又重复了这个“事实”,“DonaldTrump,房地产推动人,在收购大厦中树立形象。”

8.You could not say that Donald Trump's New York is more or less real than that of a street vendor originally from Karachi.你不能说唐纳德‧特朗普(DonaldTrump)的纽约比来自卡拉奇的街头小贩的纽约更真实或更不真实。

9.The following has been excerpted from Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump's new book, Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men--One Message.以下一节选自罗伯特清崎和唐纳德特朗普的新著《为什么我们想让你变富:两个人–一条心》。世界上有三种类型的投资者。

10.Property magnate Donald Trump was reported to have advised Zuckerberg to draw up a "prenuptial agreement" .有报道称,房地产大亨唐纳德?特朗普建议扎克伯格起草一份“婚前协议”。