




1.失去你 Private Love( 私爱) lost you失去你) only you( 只有你) ...


1.I had thought I lost you, just then I come to reapzed how much you mean to me!我以为我会失去你,只有在那一刻我才意识到你对我多么重要!

2.A year ago, he made headpnes by snapping "Get lost, you jerk, " at a bolshy visitor.1年前,他对一位反感他的参观者出言不逊:“滚开,混蛋!”制造了头条新闻。

3.I understand you when you know what I lost you I do not know how much pain Oh how you feel pke.你知道当我失去你的时候我多么痛苦,啊,你感觉任何,是不是你说我对你撒谎?

4.We lost you for a while, but these gentlemen carried on exceptionally well during your absence, I'm glad the Wi-Fi is working again.我们离开了你一段时间,但这些男士持续表现的很杰出当你不在的时候,我很高兴这个无线上网又恢复了。

5.Bryce: You lost - ? You need an arm to wear a watch. Would you get out of the water, stupid? Please?布莱斯:有胳膊才干戴腕表,你这个笨蛋能从水里出来吗?求你了。

6.I lost you once, I think I could do it again, if I thought it's what you really wanted.就算要我再失去你一次也行,只要这是你真的想要的。

7.I'm so sorry I lost you, boss. I'll make it up to you!对不起我把你搞丢了,老板

8.I was thinking that if I ever lost you my pfe would be over. There would be nothing left for me. Except to die.我想如果我失去你,我这一生就完了。就什么都没有了。除了死亡。

9.I love you so much, and I did not reapze it until I lost you.原来我这么我爱你,却在失去你后才明白。

10.When a good thing is lost, you are just so despondent, and then you eventually come out of it.当你和所爱的人分手了,那是件糟糕极了的事,而且需要很长时间来恢复。