


美式发音: [ˈdrækjələ] 英式发音: [ˈdrækjʊlə]





1.吸血鬼德古拉a character in many horror films who is a vampire . Vampires appear at night and suck the blood of their victims.


n.1.[Literature]a vampire character from an 1897 epistolary novel by Irish author Bram Stoker2.[Entertainment,Literature]an 1897 epistolary novel by Irish author Bram Stoker, and its primary antagonist is the vampire Count Dracula. Later it is adapted to numerous films and plays

1.德古拉ram stoker)1897年出版的吸血鬼小说《德古拉》(dracula),那部小说使这个人物一夜成名。

2.吸血鬼《吸血鬼》(Dracula):这个故事真吓人,我看完以后好几天没睡好觉。后来我的一个学生说他对英语从来不感兴趣,我就把这本小 …


4.惊情四百年之后,EikoIshioka给科波拉拍摄的吸血鬼题材的“惊情四百年”(“Dracula”)当了服装设计师。她在看“惊情四百年”的时候,就对 …

5.吸血鬼德古拉相传吸血鬼德古拉(Dracula)原是15世纪拉瓦几亚公国(位於罗马尼亚境内)公爵,为了吓阻入侵的土耳其军队,将俘虏剥光衣服钉 …

6.德古拉伯爵德古拉伯爵 (DRACULA)Monster ID# 1389 地:200%无:100%火:100%毒:100%圣:100%闇:100%念:50%死:50%水…

7.德库拉德库拉(Dracula)是吸血鬼一代,欧洲确实有德库拉Dracula)这个人,MS是贵族评论| DS水家豌豆 |六级采纳率20% 擅长…

8.达丘拉1931《达丘拉》(Dracula)() 在众多的以吸血鬼为题材的影片中,没有一部能超越其始祖《达丘拉》的。该片造就了此类片子中 …


1."Right, " says Dracula, slamming the front door. "I've decided to stay. Pull down the window shades quickly quickly! Let's move it! "“没错,”德拉库拉说着砰的一声关上前门。“我决定留下来。快点把窗帘拉下来——快点!都动手!”

2.We're still trying to sort out fact from fiction when it comes to Dracula. Turning into mist? Kinda doubt it. General shape-shifting? Maybe.我们正把现实从传闻中剥离出来。说他能化成一缕烟嘛,尚有疑问。能随意变形吗?那大有可能。

3.While Dracula is fried pke an egg and toasted pke a bit of toast.而德古拉就像一只鸡蛋那样被煎,像吐司一样被烤。

4.Dracula will once more walk the night! And as of you, it is time for you to die!德拉库拉将再一次的徜佯于暗夜之中,而至于你,你的大限已至!

5.As you know, there are many programs which are not suitable for children, such as the dracula movie, violence movie.如你所知,有许多项目是不适合儿童,如吸血鬼电影,暴力的电影。

6.You are pke a star six mans star, always sending out unique ray, let me feel unreachable, beautiful count dracula are not your PPM.你就像一颗六芒星,永远散发着独特的光芒,让让我觉得可望不可及,唯美的吸血鬼伯爵也不及你的万分之一。

7.Richter: Count Dracula rises but once every century, and my role is over. If I can resurrect him, then the battle will last for eternity!里:伯爵每一个世纪复活一次,那时我早就谢幕下台了。如果我能复活他,战斗就能一直持续下去!

8.Dracula: I've just been toying with you so far. But now its time to get serious.德:我跟你玩的够久了,现在是更加恐怖的时间了。

9.His Dracula -- I'm sure he's sick to death of hearing about it -- is one of the great cinematic creations.他的《德库拉》——我敢肯定,他要听到这个一定恶心得要死——是最伟大的电影创作之一。

10.Characters also lend an amusing twist to this game : serve Dracula first and get him out of there , he 's scaring your customers !字又增添了一个有趣的转折这个游戏:全心全意吸血先把他弄出,他是吓唬你的客户!