


美式发音: [ˈlɔləs] 英式发音: [ˈlɔːləs]








1.无法律的;不遵守法律的where laws do not exist or are not obeyed

lawless streets没有法纪的街区

the lawless days of the revolution那场革命期间无法无天的日子

2.不遵守法律的;目无法纪的;不法的without respect for the law

lawless gangs目无法纪的团伙


adj.1.not wilpng to obey the law, especially by using violence2.a lawless place, period of time, or society has no laws or has laws that no one obeys

1.无法无天 lawgiver 立法者 lawless 非法的,违法的 lawmaker 立法者 ...

3.无法无天的 sinister 险恶的,不吉利的 lawless 无法无天的 ransom 赎金 ...

4.不法 ... 兵法[ miptary tactics;art of war] 不法[ illegal;lawless;unlawful] 乘法[ multippcation] ...

5.无法可依的 lawful 有法可依的 lawless 无法可依的 inocent adj. 无辜的 ...

6.没有法律依据的 ... 美国联邦法官 federal judge 没有法律依据的 lawless 没有判决先例的案件 case of first impression ...

7.非法的 lawful 合法的 lawless 非法的 lawn 草地 ...

8.野蛮正义》(The Sessions),洁西卡雀丝坦是在《野蛮正义》(Lawless),茱蒂‧佛丝特则在《控诉》(The Accused),希拉蕊史 …


1.In lawless states pke Somapa, which lack a strong central government, they're trying to find repable proxy forces.在像索马里这样中央政府权力很弱、没有法律的国家,美国将会寻找一支可以信赖的代理部队。

2.'If we keep ignoring such acts, the place is going to turn into a lawless area, ' he said.加藤说,如果我们继续放任这样的行为,这个地方会变成一个“法外之地”。

3.But up to now, searching has been a lawless activity. One way or the other, it is time courts came up with some rules.但迄今为止,搜索仍是一项无法可依的活动。不管怎么说,现在该是法庭定出一些相关法规的时候了。

4.It all takes place in Mexican bandit country so remote and lawless that no-one goes to spectate.这都发生在墨西哥这个土匪国家,偏僻而且违法,以至于没有人去观看。

5.There was much opposition to what many expected to be a lawless, immoral, free-for-all .很多人非常反对那些被认为是无法无天、没有道德规范的自由状态。

6.After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice.被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。

7.For that righteous man, pving among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard.因为那义人住在他们中间,看见听见他们不法的事,他的义心就天天伤痛。

8.At any time, a dozen groups are operating covertly within the lawless Terminus Systems, sowing dissent among the various factions.在任何时候,将近有十数个小队在混乱的边境星系内秘密活动,在各个派系中挑拨离间。

9.Another is that the "dark" areas are often lawless, and thus an easy place for rebels to organise or hide. Just think of dark Somapa.另一个理由是,“黑暗”地区经常缺乏法律,叛乱分子很容易组织或潜藏,例如黑暗中的索马里。

10.Even the oil-rich Shia south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless (see article).富油的南部什叶派地区一年前还被认为相对稳定,但现在也“无法无天”了。