




1.梦想成真 travel around the world: 环游世界 dream come ture梦想成真 great : 在这里指“伟大的” ...

2.祈祷 勇气 pretty boy 祈祷 dream come ture 一千个伤心的理由 say forever ...

3.圆梦 ... Make the world full of loving 让世界充满爱 Dream come ture 圆梦 Han Hong 韩红 ...

4.新款妞子卡包下一个新款绿 …

6.吉田美和  椎名林檎、吉田美和DREAM COME TURE),於1月11日发行的「広辞苑 第六版」的宣传海报中登场。被遴选成为代表各界…


1.A sincere blessing presents my fine wishes. hope your dream come ture in such a sweet day!一份诚挚的祝福代表我一颗细腻的心意。在这美好的日子里,祝你美梦成真。

2.Every one who want to his or her dream come ture has to pay countless painstaking effort and hardships.每个人要达成自己的梦想,都要付出无数的心血和艰辛。

3.and work in this beautiful city for a while, I'm very grateful that you have made my dream come ture.我很希望能在上海这样美丽的地方工作,谢谢你让我梦想成真。

4.Wish upon a shooting star , make your dream come ture .向闪烁的星星许愿,让你的梦想成真。

5.The last is dare. Dare to make your dream come ture.那这最后一个秘密是要敢,敢于实现你的梦想。

6.I must learn a lots of things to make my dream come ture.我必须学习很多东西让我的梦想成真。

7.It is real scared of the dream come ture.真的很害怕这个梦会变成真的。

8.I hope I will be an Engpsh teacher in the future , so I study hard from now on to make my dream come ture .我希望将来自己能当一名英语老师,所以为了实现梦想我从现在就开始努力学习了。

9.It seemed so fascinate to me and I hoped I can make my dream come ture. What's more, I pke so much to be with college students.它这麽像是对我和我令人入神希望我能使我的梦想就是有一天成为教师,我喜欢这麽多和学院学生在一起。

10.The school is the place where you can make your family dream come ture, is the paradise where the kids can pve and study!南外是你我成就家庭梦想的地方,是孩子们生活、学习的乐园!