


美式发音: [ˈhɔkɪnz] 英式发音: [ˈhɔ:kinz]





1.霍金斯 ... 新思国际公司/ Synaptics 霍金斯公司/ Hawkins 恩赛因集团/ Ensign Group ...

3.霍金斯号 ... Forrest Royal 福雷斯·洛威号 Hawkins 霍金斯号 Duncan 邓肯号 ...

4.豪金斯 英富汉姆( Effingham) 豪金斯Hawkins) 罗利( Raleigh) ...

5.英霍金斯 著,(英)诺蒂( Naudi,M.) 著;(英)霍金斯Hawkins,P) 著;(英)莫厄特( Mowat,D.) ...

6.霍金斯房子 著; 葛拉帝( Grady, Wayne) 李家同著; 郝凯扬( Hawkins, Nick) 著; 布瑞格兹( Briggs, Harry) ...


1.Of course the Widow Stimson never tried to win Deacon Hawkins, nor any other man, for that matter.当然,寡妇史汀生从未试图赢得执事霍金斯,或任何其他人,因为这一问题。

2.But I have no doubt Kerr will have no trouble filpng her big shoes. And in terms of fashion cred and style, she leaves Hawkins for dead.但是我相信可儿在填补这一位置上不会有什么问题,而且在时尚感和气质上,她让霍金斯毫无退路。

3.Just a second. Let me check. Mr Hawkins, we only have one single room and one double room.请稍等,我查一查。霍金斯先生,我们只剩一间单人房和一间双人房。

4.And let young Hawkins go at once to say goodbye to his mother, and then come quickly to Bristol with Redruth.让小霍金斯赶快回家和他母亲道别,由雷德拉斯陪他来布里斯托尔。

5.'Trelawney, 'said the doctor, 'I'll go with you. So , I am sure, will Hawkins. There's only one man I'm afraid of. '“乡绅先生,”大夫说,“我跟你一起去。而且我相信霍金斯也会去的。我只对一个人不放心。”

6.and i ran to the door in time to see jim hawkins , safe and sound , come cpmbing over the stockade.我跑到了门口,恰好看见吉姆霍金斯从木栅上面翻过来,平安无恙。

7.but Miss Hawkins, it might be fairly supposed from her easy conceit, had been the best of her own set.而霍金斯小姐呢,从她那大大落落、自命不凡的神态来看,或许可以算作她那一类人中的佼佼者。

8.What was Frank's first job? Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telpng me about his experiences as a young man.昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。

9.Luke: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm making it my business. I'm the guy who's taking her to the Sadie Hawkins dance.路克:是吗?可这也是我自己的事儿。是我带她去参加赛利霍金斯的舞会的。

10."My character was traduced by Captain Hawkins . . . so much so, that even the ship's company cried out shame" (Frederick Marryat).“我的人格遭到了霍金斯船长的羞辱…以致船员们都替我觉得无地自容”(弗雷德里克·马里亚特)。