




1.鸭肉 chicken meat 鸡肉 duck meat 鸭肉 羊肉: mutton ...

2.合胸鸭肉 Ω智利帝王蟹 Chilean King Crab Ω合胸鸭肉 Duck Meat Ω综合生鱼片 Assorted Sashimi ...

3.鸭方 ... 万峦猪脚 wanluan pig's knuckles 鸭肉扁 duck meat 水煎包 fried steamed bun ...


1.Carnivorous goose of the best duck meat chemistry structure approaches lucca oil , benefits the heart.最佳肉食鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。

2.He's cooking a variety of house specials, including a fish skin soup, fried duck meat, and a medley of vegetable and meat minces.他正在煮各种特色菜,其中包括鱼翅羹、炒鸭肉和蔬菜、肉末杂烩。

3.North the adenophora verticillata, the ply, the duck meat will clean separately, together person pot, watering right amount.将北沙参、百合、鸭肉分别洗净,一同人锅,加水适量。

4.Meat egg class: Yang Gan, cow hooves, duck meat, duck egg, chicken eggwhite (protein).肉蛋类:羊肝、牛蹄、鸭肉、鸭蛋、鸡蛋青(蛋白)。

5.FAO data of the United Nation shows that duck meat has an important position in the people's diet structure.联合国粮农组织的资料表明,鸭肉在人们的肉类饮食结构中占据重要的地位。

6.Nanjing duck meat close vicinity flat shape, carry convenience.南京鸭肫形状扁圆,肉质紧密,携带方便。

7.Symptom and so on abdominal pain, diarrhea, lumbago, painful menstruation people are also best pttle eat the duck meat.腹痛、腹泻、腰痛、痛经等症状的人也最好少吃鸭肉。

8.Brian: Look at this! I made a duck meat kebab with my chopstick!看我多有才!我用筷子做了一个鸭肉串儿!

9.Duck meat fried in soy sauce.酱炒黄鸭肉。

10.Chongqing authorities fined Wal-Mart 300, 000 yuan, or about $47, 000, for selpng expired duck meat in March.今年3月份,重庆有关部门因沃尔玛销售过期鸭肉对其处以人民币30万元的罚款。