


美式发音: [ˌærə'meɪɪk] 英式发音: [ˌærə'meɪɪk]

n.阿拉米语〔古代西南亚的通用语言〕 (略 Aram.)



n.1.阿拉米语〔古代西南亚的通用语言〕 (略 Aram.)

n.1.a Semitic language of the ancient Near East, dating from about 300 and still spoken in the region.

1.阿拉姆语用阿拉姆语Aramaic)写成的福音书为犹太基督徒所用[95]。一句被 Origen 和 Jerome 同时引用过的耶稣的话是,“但是现在 …

2.亚拉姆语其他如亚拉姆语Aramaic),科普特语,亚美尼亚语等也在帝国境内通行。元首制时期 马克西米努斯-戈尔迪安一世-戈尔迪安 …

3.亚兰文亚兰文aramaic)又称阿拉米文、亚拉姆文,与希伯来文、腓尼基文同属闪族语系西北语支。字母亦22个,自右向左书写,但 …

4.亚兰语这是亚兰语ARAMAIC),是闪族言语的一支,属北方语,又称为叙利亚语(SYRIAC),其实亚兰是古民族名,叙利亚则为 …

5.阿拉米语最后要提到的是阿拉米语Aramaic),它曾经是波斯王朝的主要官方语言,扩展于中东、近东的广大地区,与希腊语竞争,取 …

6.阿拉美语他们讲阿拉美语Aramaic)。耶稣当时也是辣彼(rabbi),应该懂得希伯来文(Hebrew),由於当时罗马帝国的通行语是希 …

7.阿拉姆文h script),阿拉姆文(Aramaic),希腊文(Greek).这当中,自右向左书写的佉卢字体和自左向右书写的婆罗米字体,一跃而成为印度文字 …


1.Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).耶稣背着自己的十字架出来,到了一个地方,名叫髑髅地,希伯来话叫各各他。

2.The Great Persian King Darius I announced that the official language of the western half of the Persian Empire was to be Aramaic.伟大的波斯国王大流士我宣布的官方语言西半部的波斯帝国被阿拉姆语。

3.With the exception of a small minority of Aramaic texts, the books of the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible were all written in Hebrew.《旧约》和《希伯来圣经》基本都是用希伯来语写的,只有一小部分是由亚拉姆文字书写的。

4.16Jesus said to her, "Mary. " She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni! " (which means Teacher).耶稣说:“马利亚!”马利亚就转过来,用希伯来话对他说:“拉波尼(拉波尼就是夫子的意思)!”

5.Official long-distance communications were written in Aramaic, sent across the empire and then translated from Aramaic upon arrival.长期的官方交流都使用亚拉姆语进行书写,由此发往全国,之后再在到达地从亚拉姆语中翻译过来。

6.Monotheistic groups continue to pve today with a repgious heritage, much of which found first expression in Aramaic.一神论的团体在宗教传统下,今天依然继续保持活力,它们中的大多数首先在亚拉姆语找到了解释。

7.Not pictured are the developments of Aramaic and Nabatean, which led to the modern Arabic script.阿拉姆语和纳巴泰语可不是构想出来的,它们产生了现代阿拉伯语字母。

8.Some of the artifacts contained inscriptions in the ancient Aramaic language, it said.通讯社声称,一些史前古器物含有用古亚拉姆语提的碑铭。

9.The Persian Empire stretched from Egypt to India, but conducted business in Aramaic, a desert tongue of the Fertile Crescent.波斯帝国曾统治着埃及至印度整片区域,但是却以阿拉姆语(肥沃月湾的一种沙漠语言)处理事务。

10.A scan of the ossuaries dating from the Herodian period reveals that many, if not most, were inscribed in Hebrew and Greek, not Aramaic.对来自希律时期的骨瓮进行扫描,揭示出如果不是大多数,就是许多骨瓮都是刻有希伯莱语和希腊语,而不是亚拉姆语。