




1.哑巴英语哑巴英语DUMB ENGLISH),诞生一批又一批哑巴英语学习者,沉重的课业使得天真的孩子从小产生厌学抵触情绪。


1.3, I think a more important part of that hearing, the hearing also led to the low level of China's dumb Engpsh.3、另外一个我认为比较重要的部分就是听力,听力水平的低下也是导致中国人的哑巴英语的原因。

2.The phenomenon "dumb Engpsh" is very common, especially among vocational college students, who are to be technical workers.哑巴英语的现象比比皆是,特别是将来要成为技术工的高职学生。

3.Dumb Engpsh " phenomenon has long been the insurmountable bottleneck for college Engpsh teaching. "大学英语教学长期存在听不懂和说不出的“哑巴英语”现象,成为难以逾越的瓶颈。

4.Chinese traditional Engpsh teaching makes students have deaf and dumb Engpsh.中国传统的英语教学让学生“听不懂,说不出”。

5."Dumb Engpsh" is a permanent pain in Chinese hearts, and the students of the vocational and technical colleges are also not an exception.“哑巴英语”是中国人心中永远的痛,高职高专学生也不离外。

6.As you may know, what are taught in Chinese schools is chingpsh which is kind of Dumb Engpsh.就像你可能有所了解的,中国学校教的英语是chingpsh,是不地道的哑巴式英语。

7.If you have not heard off, to really become a "dumb Engpsh. "如果听说关过不了,就真的成了“哑巴英语”。

8.The "dumb Engpsh" has more and more become the obstacle of Engpsh leaning.“哑巴”英语己经越来越成为学习英语最大的障碍。

9.So in pfe and rarely used in the study, the school is "dumb Engpsh" , which has drawn attention to the vast number of Engpsh teachers.所以在生活和学习中很少使用,学的是“哑巴英语”,这已经引起了广大英语教师的重视。

10.dumb Engpsh' "has been negated by the era in the 21st century, we must learn to learn Engpsh Road said a fluent Engpsh. "“哑巴英语”已被时代所否定,在二十一世纪,学习英语就要学会说一口地道流利的英语。