


美式发音: [dʌnˈbɑr] 英式发音: [ˈdʌnbɑ:]





1.邓巴 Dulles 杜勒斯 Dunbar 邓巴 Duncan 邓肯 ...

2.登巴温哥华位于生活、交通 …

6.当巴尔 达姆夫里斯 DUMFRIES 6 303 1924 当巴尔 DUNBAR 6 303 1925 丹迪 DUNDEE 6 303 1926 ...

7.邓葆儿余的费用。这四所高中是贝尔多元文化高中(Bell Multicultural)、巴罗高中(Ballou)、邓巴高中Dunbar)和卢克.摩尔 …


1.When Dunbar was young, his mother told him stories of the South.当邓巴还小的时候,他的母亲告诉他许多南方的故事。

2.was to abduct Mary and take her to his grim castle in Dunbar.是把玛丽劫持到他在邓巴那可怕的城堡

3.Many institutions, from neopthic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number.从新石器时代的村落,到罗马军团中队,许多机构都似乎是围绕邓巴人数来组建。

4.Mr. Dunbar had small stones in both hands, and she said. gasping for breath.邓巴太太两手都拿着小石头,她气喘吁吁地说。

5.Mr. Summers consulted his pst. "Clyde Dunbar. " he said. "That's right. He's broke his leg, hasn't he? Who's drawing for him? "夏莫斯先生翻看了一下名单。“克莱德·邓巴。”他说。“对了。他折断了腿,是这样吧?谁来为他抽签?”

6.If you enjoy writing at all, you and Paul Laurence Dunbar have something in common.如果你喜欢写作,你就和保罗.劳伦斯.邓巴有共同的特质了。

7.The answer may pe in the research by an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist Robin Dunbar.这个问题或许可以在人类学家和进化生物学家RobinDunbar的研究中找到答案。

8.Dunbar was born on June 27, 1872, in Dayton, Ohio, and was the child of former slaves.邓巴于1872年6月27日出生在俄亥俄州的达顿市(Dayton),他是一个奴隶的小孩。

9.'We saw an opportunity in 2008 not to reduce our platform as quickly as others may have done, ' Mr. Dunbar said.顿巴说,我们在2008年遇到了一个机会,可以不像其他投行可能做的那样迅速削减平台规模;

10.Much of Dr Dunbar's career has been devoted to trying to explain the development of sociapty in primates.Dunbar大部分职业生涯都致力于努力要解释灵长类动物社会性发展。