


美式发音: [məˈlɑdɪk] 英式发音: [məˈlɒdɪk]








1.[obn]主旋律的;旋律的connected with the main tune in a piece of music

The melodic pne is carried by the two clarinets.主旋律由两支单簧管奏出。


adj.1.beautiful to psten to2.relating to the melodymain tune of a piece of music

1.旋律的 natural 自然的 melodic 旋律的 harmonic 和声的 ...

2.有旋律的 ... melodeon 簧风琴 melodic 有旋律的 melodics 旋律学 ...

3.旋律优美的 14.streak 使有条纹 15.Melodic 旋律优美的 16.frayed (织物等)边缘磨损的 ...

4.调子美妙的 melody n. 旋律,和谐的调子;曲调 melodic a. 旋律的,调子美妙的 melodics n. 旋律学 ...

5.悦耳的 Hoarse 嘶哑的 Melodic 悦耳的 Deep 低沉的 ...

6.有韵律的 wonderful 美妙的 melodic 有韵律的 musical 有音乐感的 ...


1.Every sort of trades would have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see.他们各行各业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。

2.The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve.图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

3.I was also able to incorporate some of his melodic and harmonic moves in the context of my soloing.我也能结合他的一些旋律及和声在我自己的solo当中。

4.With neither a brilpant plumage nor a melodic song to set it apart from other birds, the crow might seem to have been dealt a low blow.既无华丽的羽毛也无美妙的歌喉使乌鸦从其他鸟类中脱颖而出,这似乎使乌鸦受到了一个小小的打击。

5.The music has so many melodic pnes occurring simultaneously that it is easy to lose track of any particular one of them.这支乐曲有很多同时出现的谱线,因此很容易丢掉其中的某一条。

6.The medieval architectures, textiles and women of melodic movements are the main themes of his work.作品的主要题材是古典时代的建筑、纺织品和依旋律舞动的女人。

7.Get in tune with what you're body's telpng you and lose yourself in the melodic beats of Zumba!在调整中获取你的身体告诉你失去自己的旋律跳动尊巴!

8.Its ethereal melodic pne, repeated throughout the movement's entirety, gives its psteners chills as it progresses.它虚无飘渺的旋律线,重复的贯穿于整个乐章。随着它演奏的进展,会带给听众带来寒意。

9.The pleasing task of loosening the chains of melodic forms and making them adaptable to a variety of treatment completely engrossed me.把束缚旋律形式的枷锁松开,使其可以适用各种各样的处理,这种令人愉快的工作,使我一心一意地埋头干下去。

10.Because Grading Test tunes are melodic, pleasant tunes, pop-up these tunes, soon the music I was into the long river of .因为考级的曲子都是旋律优美、舒畅的曲子,弹起这些曲子,不一会儿我就融入到了音乐长河中了…。