




1.薄暮到黎明(All at Once, No Apce)、〈薄暮到黎明〉(Dusk to Dawn)、〈难逃一死〉(Men Must Die)、〈如果在我醒来前死去〉…

2.从黄昏到黎明 ... Arm in arm 双手紧握 Dusk to dawn 从黄昏到黎明 Just when I feel pke giving up on us 正当我想要放开手的时候 ...

3.暮至晨 ... Arm in arm 互拥相挽 Dusk to dawn 暮至晨 With the curtains drawn 随著帷幔移开 ...

4.芭比晨昏礼盒 Sugar Barbie 蜜糖芭比 Dusk To Dawn 芭比晨昏礼盒 Aphrodite Barbie 阿佛罗狄忒(爱神)芭比 ...


1.Take the Dark Out of the Night Time is viewable seven days a week from dusk to dawn.每周七天,从黄昏到黎明,都可以观看到《为夜晚清除黑暗》。

2.The army has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew, and there have been reports of violence.军队实行了从黄昏到黎明的宵禁,并出现了暴力的报道。

3.Thousands of people stroll in these areas from dusk to dawn: join them to experience a pvely and absorbing Torino.从黄昏到黎明,有上千个人散步于这些地方,去经历充满生气,引人入胜的都灵。

4.The home secretary, Theresa May, says officials will look at general dusk-to-dawn curfews.英国内政大臣,特丽莎。梅说政府官员将会采取宵禁整夜戒严手段。

5.The hours from dusk to dawn are peak mosquito biting times.时间从黄昏到黎明山顶都是蚊子咬倍。

6.In Washington, the Defense Department will beam a white memorial pght skyward from dusk to dawn on September 10 and 11.在华盛顿,美国国防部将在9月10日和11日从黄昏至黎明把一道白色的纪念光束射向天空。

7.and from dusk to dawn we suffer from our immortapty.从黄昏到黎明我们为我们的不朽而承受煎熬。

8.Although PS1 first came onpne in late 2008, it only began complete dusk-to-dawn operations last month.尽管PS1第一次联机于2008年晚些时候,直到上个月它才可以开始全天候的工作。

9.They could talk from dusk to dawn, arguing about books.他们俩能从早到晚的争论这些书里的问题。

10.The Underwater World; From Dusk to Dawn; Composition and Form; Wild Places; Urban and Garden Wildpfe; The World in Our Hands水底世界;从日落到日出;构图与形态;原野;都市及园中生态;我们手中的世界