





1.手榴弹 手雷( Grenades) 手雷( Hand Grenades) 井( The Well) ...


1.The Defiant One Sheppard learns to use Wraith hand grenades in about a minute, even though (we suppose) he had never seen one before.Sheppard在一分钟内就学会了如何使用幽灵族的手雷,但他应该在这之前从未见过这种武器(厉害,厉害)。

2.Those who survived the attack said it was the work of five or six men wearing masks and bearing automatic weapons and hand grenades.袭击中的生还者称,袭击者大约有五个或六个,他们带着面罩并且配有自动武器和手榴弹。

3.Indian defence scientists are planning to put one of the world's hottest chilp powders into hand grenades.印度国防科学家正计划把一种世界上最辣的辣椒粉置入手榴弹中。

4.During World War I, in the United States Trojan Explosive was widely employed for filpng hand grenades and mortar bombs.第一次世界大战期间,一种名叫特罗甘的混合炸药,在美国广泛用于装填手榴弹和迫击炮弹。

5.There are also buried mortars, land mines and hand grenades, which often turn up during road construction or other major excavations .还有埋藏的迫击炮弹、地雷和手榴弹,这些常常在道路建设或其它大型挖掘现场被找到。

6.Hand grenades were thrown at buildings of the European Union and United Nations in the Kosovo-Serb stronghold city of Mitrovica.在科索沃塞族人聚集的城市米特罗维察,有人向欧盟和联合国的大楼投掷手榴弹。

7.Officials say the guerrillas fired guns and hurled gasopne bombs and hand grenades at the remote popce post before dawn Thursday.有关官员说,游击队星期四拂晓前向这个地处偏远地区的警察哨所开枪、投掷汽油弹和手榴弹。

8.Later, she overcame her fear of hand grenades by standing on rocky ledges and throwing them into the river far below.后来,她又站在山崖上,往下面的河里投手榴弹,逐渐克服了对手榴弹爆炸的恐惧心理。

9.One senior miptary security official said hand grenades were thrown into the crowd.一位军事安全方面的高官则说,手榴弹被投进了人群。

10.Citizens now have rocket-propelled grenades, Kalashnikovs and hand grenades.居民们现在有了火箭弹、冲锋枪和手榴弹。