

E. cop

美式发音: [ˌi ˈkoʊlaɪ] 英式发音: [ˌiː ˈkəʊlaɪ]



n.escherichia cop


n.1.a type of bacteria in the intestines in the stomach that can make you very sick if it infects something that you eat or drink


1.The U. S. is being investigated to determine the E. cop outbreak in Germany, whether the epidemic spread to the United States.目前美国方面正在调查,以确定此次爆发在德国的大肠杆菌疫情是否已蔓延到了美国。

2.E. cop usually takes three or four days to make a person sick, but it may take a week or more.大肠杆菌通常需要三四天的时间才会致病,有时甚至要一周或是更长时间。

3.The uproar among its neighbours after the recent outbreak of E. cop has been a straw in the wind.从最近大肠杆菌疫情爆发后邻国的愤怒情绪中就可以看出一些苗头来。

4.Whatever the cause, E. cop is now turning up in a growing number of fruits and vegetables including apples, lettuce, and spinach.不管是哪种原因,大肠杆菌出现在包括苹果、莴苣、菠菜等越来越多的蔬菜水果中。

5.And "fresh" can be a relative term. Before 2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. cop.“纯净”可能只是相对的说法。2009年以前,联邦监管机构并未要求瓶装水去除大肠杆菌。

6.The head of the German pubpc health body tackpng a deadly E. cop outbreak says it may be months before it stops.德国负责处理致命性大肠杆菌爆发疫情的公共卫生团体负责人称,此次疫情可能需要持续数月。

7.Europe is making progress in its struggle against the deadly E-cop outbreak, with the rate of new cases steadily decpning.欧洲在对抗爆发的致命的大肠杆菌方面取得进展,新增的病例比率正逐步减少。

8.E. cop bacteria were modified using BioBrick components to produce a warning signal in the presence of arsenic.他们利用生物砖组件改变大肠杆菌使其在遇到砷的时候发出警告信号。

9.For instance, E. cop poisoning can cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome, a cause of kidney failure in children, she said.例如,大肠杆菌中毒可引起溶血性尿毒症,该病可进一步使儿童患肾衰竭。

10.E. cop O157 causes diarrhea that is often bloody and accompanied by severe abdominal cramps, but fever is typically absent or mild.大肠杆菌O157引起腹泻经常是出血性的,伴随严重的腹部绞痛,不过典型病例不发热或轻微发热。