


美式发音: [ˈhʌˌbʌb] 英式发音: [ˈhʌbʌb]



复数:hubbubs  同义词反义词





1.喧闹声;嘈杂声the loud sound made by a lot of people talking at the same time

It was difficult to hear what he was saying over the hubbub.声音太嘈杂,难以听清楚他的讲话。

2.喧闹;骚乱;混乱a situation in which there is a lot of noise, excitement and activity

the hubbub of city pfe闹哄哄的城市生活


n.1.the noise of a lot of people talking at the same time, especially when they are angry or excited2.a situation in which a lot of people or vehicles move around quickly and noisily

1.喧哗 howl 嚎叫,怒吼 hubbub 吵闹,喧哗 hug 紧抱,拥抱 ...

2.嘈杂 perturb vt. 使担忧 hubbub n. 嘈杂 rub vi. 摩擦,擦 ...

3.吵闹声 hubbly 多瘤的 hubbub 吵闹声 hubby 丈夫 ...

4.喧嚷 ... 喧闹〖 noiseandexcitement;bustle;racket〗 喧嚷〖 clamor;hubbub;din;cries〗 喧扰〖 noiseanddisturbance …

5.喧闹声 to and fro( 来去) hubbub喧闹声) alpha and omega( 始终) ...

6.尘嚣 ( 尘土 )[ dust;soil] ( 尘嚣 )[ hubbub;uproar] ( 尘滓 )[ dirt;dust] ...


1.Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice.突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。

2.Shouting in his abandon, he felt as if he had dissolved into the hubbub, with the surface of the river to be swept through the long gorge.他痛快地大声叫嚷着,是感到自己已经完全融化在这喧腾声里,融化在河面上生起的、掠过大河长峡的凉风中了。

3.Hopdays approaching, Jane ambitiously ready to warm hubbub of New York to reapze their dreams.假期来临之际,踌躇满志的简准备到喧哗热烈的纽约去实现自己的梦想。

4.But I can elaborate on it here, some twenty years later, now that all that parade hubbub has died down.而在大约20年后,既然游行的喧闹已经消失殆尽,我便可以在这里详细地说明,。

5.There was a hubbub from the crowd outside the garden gate. "This woman's gone crazy with grief, " someone yelled from outside.门口的人群一阵骚动。“这女人伤心得疯了,”某人从外面叫喊着说。

6.The sound of the city hubbub is not exciting for me, but with a pttle touch of gloom!城市的喧哗声对我来说不是热闹,而是带着一点淡淡的忧愁!

7.I bet all that hubbub isn't very good for eggs either. So do penguins lose more eggs than other species?我打赌所有的吵闹声对蛋也是不利的。那企鹅会比其它物种损失更多的蛋吗?

8.The air was vibrating with music and the hubbub of a huge throng assembled for the May Day fireworks.空中回荡着音乐和为五一烟火晚会聚集起来的巨大人群发出的喧闹声。

9.What's amusing to me about all the hubbub is just how similar what she's doing is to what we traditionally label as sex work.让我对这场闹剧感到好笑的是,萨拉所做的和我们传统意义上的性工作是何其的相似。

10.Crowd, hubbub, and the atmosphere which is not sacred any more. People are talking, laughing and enjoying themselves here and there.人群,喧闹声,以及不再肃穆的氛围。聊天、玩笑、开开心心的人们到处都是。