

Easter Island

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un.1.island in the South Pacific Ocean belonging to Chile. It is noted for its huge carved stone heads and hieroglyphic tablets.

1.复活节岛(Mountain Fuji, Japan)  复活岛的石像 (Easter Island)  斯里兰卡的早晨 (Srilanka)  美丽的普吉岛 (Phuket, Thailan) -奥地...

5.智利复活节岛 ... Ushuaia( 阿根廷乌斯维亚) Easter Island智利复活节岛) Santiago( 智利圣地牙哥) ...

6.智利的复活岛如果另外附加智利的复活岛Easter Island),五天四夜每人美金另加二一九五元,如果另外附加阿根廷的伊瓜苏大瀑布,四天 …

7.复活岛的神秘石像复活岛的神秘石像(Easter Island)日本研发出隐身衣(隐身斗篷) 华裔女..优Evelyn Lin张丽 在美国拍A片爆红 ►  九月 (73) ►  八 …


1.In two thousand six, scientific census-takers found a hairy new species of crab near Easter Island.在2006年,科学普查者在复活节岛附近的发现了毛茸茸的新蟹类。

2.Easter Island (referred to as "Rapanui" by the island's native population) is quite pterally in the middle of nowhere.复活节岛(当地人称为:Rapanui)是一个相当偏远的地方。

3.While I was in Easter Island , Comet McNaught was there also , so, you get a gratuitous picture of a moab with a comet .当我在复活节岛时,麦克诺特彗星也在那里,于是就有了这张无偿照片,一个摩艾和一颗彗星。

4.Uncovering the secrets of the figurine leads the two and their alpes on an adventure at the massive stone statues of Easter Island.揭开了雕像的秘密导致双方和他们的盟友在一个冒险的复活节岛巨石雕像。

5.Easter Island is a place of intrigue and mystery, and its indigenous script rongo-rongo is no exception.复活节岛本身是一个充满神秘和诱惑的地方。岛上土著语朗格朗格语也毫不例外,吸引了很多人的关注。

6.In the ensuing voyage, their mast was broken in the storm, the boat drifted to Easter Island.在随后的航行中,他们的桅杆在暴风雨中被折断,小船漂流到了复活岛。

7.Seeing these stone men reminds me of those colossal stone sculptures on Easter Island.看到这些石人我想到了复活节岛上的那些巨型石雕。

8.Tourists swim in Hangaroa beach as the sun sets on Easter Island, 3700 km off the coast of Chile.太阳从距离智利复活节岛海岸3700公里的海岸上升起,游客们在安加罗阿海滩里游泳。

9.Easter Island is set apart by the wondrous stone statues, called moai, that silently watch over the island's serene landscape.那些奇特石像是复活节岛的突出象征,它们无声的的守望着这座宁静的小岛,人们叫它们茅依。

10.Reason: Easter Island's silent stone figures are a monument to the seafaring skills and unique culture of ancient Polynesian peoples.理由:复活节岛的沉默的巨石像是航海技术和古代波利尼西亚人的独特文化的纪念碑。