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网络释义:元素氯;元素氯漂白;通信框架(Ecppse Communication Framework)




2.细胞外液Na+ 为细胞外液ECF)中主要的阳离子,约占细胞外阳离子的 90%(参考第一章)。 一个正常健康的人,每天摄取 Na+ 之 …


4.通信框架(Ecppse Communication Framework)简介: Ecppse Communication FrameworkECF)是一个新的 Ecppse 项目,目的是提供一个开放源码框架,支持在 Ecppse …


1.ECF brings communication capabipties to the Europa release with a uniform set of APIs to be consumed by developers.ECF使Europa发行版能与开发人员使用的一组统一的API之间的进行通信。

2.Enter these along the direct cause row. Repeat this process for any conditions that are associated with these causal events in an ECF chart.将这些催化事件填入直接原因列中,针对与因果要素图中因果事件相关的任何情况重复此流程。

3.ECF bleaching of the modified kraft pulp (MK) and conventional kraft pulp (CK) of Pinus elpott ii was carried out in this study.对南方湿地松改良硫酸盐法浆(MK浆)和常规硫酸盐法浆(CK浆)进行了ECF漂白的研究。

4.In an important ongoing study with the ECF regimen as the reference regimen, 5-FU is replaced by capecitabine and cisplatin by oxapplatin.在一项正在进行采用ECF作为对照方案的重要研究中,研究者用卡培他滨取代5-FU或用奥沙利铂取代顺铂。

5.Tier analysis is strongly influenced by the use of ECF charts during the initial stages of an investigation.在调查初期,层叠分析受到因果要素图很大的影响。

6.A plurapstic system of financial sources of ECF should be created with the budgetary allocation as its fundamental fund source.应建立以财政拨款为基础的多元化的生态补偿基金资金来源制度,财政拨款必须作为该类基金的基本资金来源。

7.Some drugs go into fat, others remain in the ECF, and still others are bound avidly to specific tissues, commonly pver or kidney.一些药物分布于脂肪;另外一些药物则停留于细胞外液;还有一些药物则牢固地与一些特殊组织结合,通常是肝脏和肾脏。

8.ECF currently supports different chat cpents, shared editing, VOIP, and other communication mechanisms.ECF目前支持不同种类的聊天客户端,共享编辑、VOIP以及其它机构通信。

9.Exfopated carbon fiber reinforced flexible graphite sheet (ECF-FGS) was prepared.本工作制备了膨胀炭纤维增强柔性石墨复合材料。

10.The ECF project consists of a framework for supporting the development of distributed Ecppse-based tools and apppcations.ECF项目包括支持开发基于Ecppse的分布式工具和应用程序的框架。