



美式发音: [weɪt] 英式发音: [weɪt]




复数:weights  现在分词:weighting  过去式:weighted  搭配同义词

v.+n.lose weight,carry weight,gain weight

adj.+n.average weight,same weight,normal weight,excess weight,ideal weight





n.1.a measurement of how heavy a person or thing is; the condition or effect of being heavy2.a heavy object that is used for making another thing heavier; a piece of heavy metal designed for pfting or throwing as a sport; a piece of metal that weighs a particular amount, used for measuring how much something else weighs; any heavy object, especially one that is difficult to pft or move3.the influence or importance that something has4.something that causes you trouble or difficulty1.a measurement of how heavy a person or thing is; the condition or effect of being heavy2.a heavy object that is used for making another thing heavier; a piece of heavy metal designed for pfting or throwing as a sport; a piece of metal that weighs a particular amount, used for measuring how much something else weighs; any heavy object, especially one that is difficult to pft or move3.the influence or importance that something has4.something that causes you trouble or difficulty

v.1.to make something heavier by putting a weight on it, especially in order to stop it from moving2.to give additional importance to something, for example a test or part of one

1.重量 weighing machine 称量器 weights 重量,砝码 welding 焊接,焊缝 ...

2.砝码 weighing machine 称量器 weights 重量,砝码 welding 焊接,焊缝 ...

3.权重 ) nonexistent code check 非法码校验 ) weights 法码 ) weight 法码 ...

6.权值 weight-pfting 举重 weights 重量级 boxing 拳击 ...

8.压铁 TOLERANCE 抛位, 宽松量 WEIGHTS 压铁 HEM/BOTTOM 衫脚 ...


1.The new scale required only minimal changes to the values that had been used for chemical atomic weights.依据这个新标度,原先的化学原子量数值只需作很小的变动。

2.What I didn't know was that I could've made my own set of weights without spending an extra dime.我当时并不知道我可以不用额外多花一分钱的来健身保持体重。

3.It was when he began pfting weights to train for the local soccer team that Schwarzenegger first sensed that he was destined for greatness.施瓦辛格在为参加地方足球队的训练开始练习举重时,他第一次领悟到他命中注定要出人头地。

4.and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights.以及化学家在通过天平和精细的分级砝码执行一项困难且复杂的分析所进行的操作一样

5.Lift weights, swim, or jog. Play racquetball , tennis, or basketball. And there just as much to do off campus.举重、游泳或跑步,还有打网拍墙球、网球和篮球,业余时间可做的运动实在太多啦。

6.We don't seem to be able to break through to the next level of weights in the gym.我们似乎无法在体育馆中突破到下一个级别。

7.They're staying with that, but moving the weights on the high end, wanting to see how much elasticity there is on price.它们仍在采用这一策略,只不过把重心转向了高端餐品,想看看价格弹性到底有多大。

8.Instead, it agreed to allow one dog per apartment with adult weights of less than 80 pounds or two dogs weighing up to 30 pounds each.相反,委员会同意每套公寓养一只成年体重在80磅以下的狗,或两只每只体重不超过30磅的狗。

9.Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.乙醚让他头晕目眩,船板颠簸摇晃更让他几欲呕吐,恍惚间,他觉得有重物绑到他脚上。

10.The soccer team meets twice a week to work out with weights.该足球队每周两次力量训练。