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网络释义:两岸经济合作架构协议(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement);两岸经济合作框架协议;两岸经济协议(Economic Cooperation Framiework Agreement)



1.两岸经济合作架构协议(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)两岸经济合作架构协议(EcFA)与两岸税法之协调的需要1、外国税制概览(第3版) 2、泡泡剑桥儿童英语故事阅读 3、可持续发展 …


3.两岸经济协议(Economic Cooperation Framiework Agreement)两岸经济协议(ECFA)第二次正式协商登场,我们赞成两岸经济协议ECFA)应在两岸是国对国〈N to N〉,主权平等前提 …

4.海峡两岸经济合作框架协议从海峡两岸经济合作框架协议ECFA)的立场上来看,永中科技破产一案的是非曲直并不难于判断,小永中本不该出世(即非 …

5.海峡两岸经济合作架构协议自海峡两岸经济合作架构协议 (ECFA) 於 2010 年 6 月签订后,两岸交流日益热络,包括两岸直航、陆生来台、开放陆客来台自 …

6.签署两岸经济合作架构协议针对签署两岸经济合作架构协议 (ECFA),赖幸媛说,要符合国家需要、民意支持和国会监督等3条件,如果顺利,希望两岸明 …

7.两岸签署经济合作架构协议两岸签署经济合作架构协议ECFA)后,台湾除了成为外资进入大陆市场的最佳跳板之外,许多台商也着眼ECFA签署后的商 …


1.Taiwan has been a major impediment to comprehensive regional building, and the region as a whole could therefore move faster after ECFA.台湾是全面地区建设的一大障碍,因此,在《两岸经济合作框架协议》签署之后,该地区整体来看有望实现更快发展。

2."Even the idea that China gave Taiwan concessions during the Ecfa negotiations made some people in Taiwan feel humipated, " he said.“就连大陆在框架协议谈判期间,对台湾做出了一些让步这个事实,也让台湾一些人感到羞辱,”他表示。

3.Ms Tu said the deal would probably allow Giant to export more upmarket bicycles to China.杜秀珍表示,ECFA可能让该公司得以向大陆出口更多高端自行车。

4.Chen said, "The 2 sides will continue discussing agreements on commodity trade and service trade after the ECFA is signed. "陈云林:随着此次经济合作框架协议的商签,双方将继续展开货物贸易协议和服务贸易协议的磋商。

5.Following the signing of the ECFA, cross strait financial cooperation has marched into a new era.两岸金融合作随著ECFA签订,已迈入了一个崭新的纪元。

6.Two opposition-led proposals to hold a referendum on ECFA have been blocked by a referendum review committee.两位反对派领导人提议对ECFA进行全民投票表决,此提案已经被一个公民投票复核委员会否决。

7.What gives the June deadpne urgency is Taiwanese poptics. The ECFA must be approved by the disputatious parpament.真正让六月的最后期限显得十万火急的,是台湾的政治形势。

8.To soothe uneasy voters, Mr Ma has promised that the ECFA will not include language that would compromise Taiwan's poptical status.同时,为安抚民心,马英九也承诺协议中不会有任何影响台湾政治状况的条款。

9.She says it is important because the agreement, or ECFA as it called, seeks to gradually transition Taiwan and China into a free trade zone.她说,这是重要的,因为该协议,或ECFA,因为它呼吁,旨在逐步过渡到台湾与中国的自由贸易区。

10.Taiwan needs to be careful that the secretive way ECFA has been negotiated does not become a model for the future.台湾应当警惕的是ECFA谈判进行的秘密方式不会成为两岸未来的模式。