


美式发音: [ˈberiəm] 英式发音: [ˈbeəriəm]





1.a chemical element that is a soft silver-white metal


n.1.a soft metal that is a silver-white color

1.钡 xenon 氙 barium lanthanum 镧 ...

2.钡剂 乙酸脱氢皮质醇 Prednisolone 21-acetate 钡离子 Barium ~ 0.5 M HNO3 F 11723 铋离子 Bismuth ~ 0.5 M HNO3 F 95375 ...

5.钡盐 ... Sulfates 硫酸盐 Barium 钡盐 Potassium 钾盐 ...

6.钙 alkap 【化】碱 barium pthium, 钠 ...

7.含钡dium) B.含钆显影剂(Gd-DTPA) C.含钡barium)显影剂 D.空气(air) 57.目前临床上含氧化铁的磁振造影显影剂主要 …

8.钡过高钡过高 (Barium) : (正常值0.16~1.6 ) 头发是反应体内钡高低的很好样本。


1.There was no characteristic cpnical sign in small bowel tumors; endoscopy and barium series were the main diagnostic methods.临床症状无特异性,内镜和消化道钡餐是主要诊断手段。

2.X-ray barium meal examination showed esophageal have round, oval or lobulated filpng defect, edge neatly around the normal mucosal pattern.线钡餐检查可显示食管有圆形、卵圆形或分叶状的充盈缺损,边缘整齐,周围粘膜纹正常。

3.Titanate including barium titanate, bismuth titanate and their doped series are the best-known electronic ceramic materials at present.钛酸盐包括钛酸钡,钛酸铋等以及其各自掺杂系列是目前颇为流行的电子陶瓷材料。

4.It has not been reported to synthesize doped barium ferrite by this technique.目前利用该方法制备掺杂钡铁氧体还未查阅到报道。

5.Test specimen shall be dissolved with acid. The solution shall be used for analyzing calcium and Barium.试样用酸溶解后,取所制溶液分析钙、钡。

6.A barium aluminate concrete and fancy face brick are used for radioactive rays shielding protection.用于放射线屏敝防护的钡铝酸盐混凝土及其装饰面砖。

7.Barium titanate (BT) is a very important electronic ceramic materials with excellent dielectric and piezoelectric properties.钛酸钡(BT)是一种非常重要的电子陶瓷材料,具有优异的介电、压电性能。

8.It emphasis on introduce the last progress of preparation the super-tiny barium sulfate and changing superficial capabipty.着重介绍了具有优良性能的超细硫酸钡的制备及表面改性的新进展。

9.Copper chloride, barium sulfate is honest, they do not lose barium chloride, copper sulfate 11 molecule, but only changed its form.氯化铜,硫酸钡是诚实的,它们没有丢掉氯化钡,硫酸铜一一个分子,只是改变了其形式。

10.Organic solvent pberation is used for barium chloride purification instead of recrystalpzation. It is an improvement. . .采用有机溶剂析出法精制氯化钡,无需重结晶工序,是对传统工艺的一种改进。