




1.艾迪·墨菲 Denzel Washington 丹泽尔·华盛顿 Eddie Murphy 艾迪·墨菲 George Clooney 乔治·克鲁尼 ...

2.埃迪·墨菲 罗伯特-德尼罗( Robert De Niro) 埃迪-墨菲( Eddie Murphy) 勒内-拉索( Rene Russo) ...

3.艾迪墨非 Paul Newman 保罗·纽曼 85. Eddie Murphy 埃迪·莫菲 84. Katharine Hepburn 凯瑟琳·赫本 83. ...


1.It's now known that the legendary casting rumors over the years, from Stallone to Arnold to Eddie Murphy to Adam Sandler, were but a dream.众所周知多年来关于演员人选的传闻一直谣言四起,从史泰龙到安纳德,从埃迪·墨菲到亚当·桑德勒,都不过是一个空想。

2.Randolph was convinced Eddie Murphy's character was the product of a poor environment; Mortimer thought that view was babble.伦道夫确信艾迪·墨菲扮演的角色是糟糕环境的产物,莫迪默则说他是胡言乱语。

3.Just as predicted, Eddie Murphy will be bringing his distinctive laugh and bright smile to The Kodak Theater this year.正如此前的预测,本届奥斯卡主持人就是好莱坞著名喜剧演员艾迪-墨菲,他爽朗而独特的笑声将回响柯达剧院上空。

4.Crystal also clearly really wanted the gig, something that can't be said of Eddie Murphy and others who've been named host in recent years.克里斯托还真诚地想要特约演奏,这些是艾迪*墨菲和近年其他知名主持人不可能说出口的。

5.The music video for Jackson's 1993 hit "Remember the Time" was set in Egypt and starred Eddie Murphy.杰克逊1993年的热门歌曲《记住时间》的音乐录影带就是在埃及拍摄的,由艾迪•墨菲主演。

6.In the family-friendly comedy Imagine That, Eddie Murphy plays an executive.老少咸宜的喜剧《幻想》由艾迪•墨菲扮演的一名行政主管。

7.As for comedies, I suggest this new Eddie Murphy film.至于喜剧片。我建议这部新的艾迪‧莫非影片。

8.The film tells the story DuLiDe doctor John (Eddie murphy). shebeginstofall strange experience.本片故事讲述的是约翰·杜立德医生(艾迪·墨菲饰)的奇怪经历。

9.In 2007, comedian Eddie Murphy purchased Long Cay for $15 milpon.2007年,喜剧演员艾迪·墨菲花了1500万美元购买了LongCay。

10.Living in America - Eddie Murphy, eat your heart out! Hit it bad!生活在美国–埃迪•墨菲,让你悲伤欲绝!刻骨铭心!