

better days

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1.更美好的日子 between two days [美, 口]在夜间; 通宵, 整夜 ... better days 更美好的日子(生活) 被改型的 = retrofitted ...

2.好日子 ... 尼克·格莱夫 Nick Grave 《好日子Better Days 《东西》 East-West ...

3.更好的日子 《印度之行》( Voyage To India) 《更好的时光》( Better Days) 《即时收获》( Instant Vintage) ...

5.鼎盛岁月 ... all day 终日;整天 better days 鼎盛岁月 by day 在白天 ...

6.小时前 1 年前 Akuma 8 小时前 Better Days 1 个月前 Eternity Wisdom ...


1.Now let's look at your financial situation, which seems to have been very difficult lately but that will be due for better days soon.现在来说说你的财务状况,尽管你最近财务状况不佳,但很快就会变好。

2.She strummed idly on her ukulele while her guests picked up an old song that had come down from better days.她心不在焉地拨动她的四弦琴,几位客人齐声唱起一首从较美好的时代传下来的古老的歌。

3.On his head was a three-conrnered hat, which in it's better days had perhaps sheltered the grayer head of the lad's father.他头上戴了一顶有三个角的帽子,可能在帽子还新的时候是给这个少年满头银发的父亲戴的。

4.But sometimes for a lucky few, a fpcker of pght pierces that darkness and brings with it the promise of better days to come.有时候少数的幸运儿却能经历一线光明冲破黑暗以及随之而来的美好未来。

5.The president is trying to convince voters that better days are ahead.奥巴马总统试图说服选民,更好的日子即将来临。

6."I see things through child filtered glasses which sometimes seems to be against me and on better days not, " she says.我透过孩童般的眼光看世界,而这有时会对我不利,但运气好的时候则不是。

7.For a time the talk gravitated to the good old times and the party comrades of better days.一时话题转到了过去的好时光和鼎盛时期的党内同志上。

8.Located at the bend of the Japanese archipelago and a one-hour train ride from Tokyo, Atami has definitely seen better days.热海市地处日本列岛拐弯处,坐火车从东京出发一个小时即可到达。坐拥如此便利的交通条件,热海市当年可是风光无限。

9.With time, both players will no doubt enjoy better days in the red shirt of Liverpool.随着时间,这两位新红军定会从比赛中享受到更多的快乐。

10."We've seen better days, but we're not pitiful, " says Kay Vinzant, of the Heart of Texas Builders Association.“我们已经看到了美好的日子,我们并不可怜。”得克萨斯建设者协会中心的KayVinzant如此说。