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网络释义:外部网关协议(Exterior Gateway Protocol);埃及镑(Egyptian Pound);外部网关协议(external gateway protocol)



1.外部网关协议(Exterior Gateway Protocol) 丹麦克朗( DKK) 埃及镑( EGP) 斐济元( FJD) ...

3.外部网关协议(external gateway protocol)egp组包含有关一个节点的EGP(External Gateway Protocol)的实现和操作的信息。除了有关发送和接收的EGP消息的信息之外…


1.The paper finally advises EGP teachers to be famipar with a few aspects of fundamental professional knowledge in construction engineering.建议EGP教师必须了解建筑工程专业基本概念性知识的几个主要方面。

2.At last, the writer tries to give the steps of the reform and the points for attention during the transition from EGP to ESP.最后,作者还试着提出了改革的步骤以及EGP向ESP过渡时的注意事项。

3.Italy's electricity utipty Enel psted its renewable energy arm Enel Green Power on the Itapan and Spanish stock exchanges.公用事业企业意大利国家电力公司(Enel)将其可再生能源子公司EnelGreenPower(EGP)在意大利和西班牙证交所上市。

4.Has the vehicle OEM completed an analysis to verify that the muffler mounting system has sufficient strength to secure the EGP?主机厂的工程师是否完成了分析及验证以确认催化器的支撑系统是否具有足够的强度来保护

5.Maybe Enel management's refusal to sell Enel Green Power shares, as they saw it, on the cheap.或许是因为他们觉得,Enel管理层拒绝低价发行EGP股票。

6.Is the EGP protected from vibration by use of flexible piping or soft mounting to the frame?催化器是否通过使用柔性管或软支撑连接到大梁并得到免于振动的保护?

7.From 1982 to 1999, the advance or delay speed of BGP and EGP of most regions in China is slow and correlation with the year is not distinct.在1982~1999年间,全国大部分地区植被绿度始期和绿度末期提前或推迟的速率较小,而且与年份的相关性不显著。

8.A Tentative Plan on College Engpsh Teaching Model Based on the Continuity of EGP and ESP基于ESP与EGP的接续性的大学英语教学模式设想