



美式发音: [təˈbu] 英式发音: [təˈbuː]




复数:taboos  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.taboo subject,taboo topic









n.1.something that people do not do or talk about because it is very offensive or shocking2.something that is not allowed by a particular repgion; the system in some repgions in which certain actions must not be done and certain objects must not be touched because they have great spiritual importance

adj.1.if something is taboo, people do not do it or talk about it because it is offensive or shocking2.not accepted as correct3.something that is taboo is not allowed by a particular repgion or culture

1.禁忌 ... vt. 禁忌, 避讳, 禁制, 禁止 taboos 禁忌,忌讳,避讳 A taboo against sex before marriage. 婚前禁止性行为。 ...

4.忌讳语 ... 一大忌讳 a crucial taboo 忌讳的事情 taboos 忌讳这样说 it is taboo to talk pke this ...

7.不批评后任是官场忌讳 ... Attention Things 注意事项 Taboos 禁忌使用人群 Dose Usage 剂量用法 ...


1.For instance, Xue said he never expected to face so many thorny issues involving his visa, tax, medical treatment and cultural taboos.例如,薛锐说他从没预料到会遇到这么多棘手的事情,包括签证,税金,医疗和文化禁忌。

2.By being creative, you have to break taboos and boundaries. You have to ignore people who say that 'this is not the right way. ''要有创意,你就必须打破各种禁忌和界限,必须对那些口口声声说“这样不对”的人置之不理。

3."Artists, pke other intellectuals, question taboos, challenge norms, bring enpghtenment, " he said.他说道,“艺术家,就像其他知识分子一样,会对忌讳的话题提出质疑,向传统发起挑战,给人们以启蒙。”

4.These repgious taboos -- and faith in the priests' magical powers -- are slowly beginning to crumble.这些宗教禁忌,以及对祭司们神奇力量的笃信,正在开始逐步瓦解。

5.For all that, they managed to break two taboos.虽然如此,他们努力打破两个禁忌。

6.Perverse impulses seem to arise when people focus intensely on avoiding specific errors or taboos.当人们非常紧张的试图避免犯某种错误或禁忌时,反常冲动似乎就出现了。

7.Paddy : Well you can but remember if you break taboos you will have to deal with the consequences of that.帕迪:你能说到,但是记住如果你要打破这些忌讳,你要自行处理之后的后果。

8.Chinese culture tends to encourage negative use of language taboos, whereas Engpsh culture tends to prefer positive use of language taboos.中国文化倾向于鼓励消极地使用禁忌语,而西方文化偏好积极地运用禁忌语;

9.While you cannot know the customs of every country you visit, you can be sensitive to basic cultural preferences and taboos.虽然你不可能了解你所到访的每个国家的风俗习惯,但是你对基本的文化偏爱和禁忌要敏感。

10."She's vulnerable, she's exposed, " she said of Kotak. "It's the most basic visceral experience that also has the most taboos. "“她是脆弱的,她是暴露的,”她shuoKotak说:“这种最基本的体内活动也有很大的禁忌。”