




1.亚洲 ... 0555181 MALAYSIA 马来西亚 V 15.0.015 0555187 EMERGING ASIA 亚洲 V 15.0.015 0557980 …

2.新兴亚洲洲和太平洋地区》使用了下列国家和地区分类:  “亚洲新兴国家和地区Emerging Asia)”系指中国、香港特别行政区、印 …


1.China and India have continued to grow, but in the rest of emerging Asia GDP plunged by an annuapsed 15% in the fourth quarter of 2008.中国和印度依然保持持续增长,但是其它亚洲新兴经济体在2008年第四季度年化GDP暴跌15%。

2.While America's industrial production continued to spde in May, output in emerging Asia has regained its pre-crisis level.尽管美国的工业生产在5月持续下滑,在新兴亚洲的产出已经回复到危机之前的水平。

3.Emerging Asia as a whole, representing a quarter of the world's gross domestic product, has less than 8 per cent of its outstanding bonds.作为一个整体,亚洲新兴地区占全球国内生产总值(GDP)的四分之一,但已发行债券仅占全球总额的不足8%。

4.Despite the recent boom, the stock market is still a relatively small part of the economy, even by the standards of emerging Asia.尽管近期大幅上涨,但中国股市在经济中所佔的比例仍相当低,即使按亚洲新兴市场的标准衡量也是如此。

5.Emerging Asia, not the U. S. consumer, will be the prime beneficiary of the Fed's easy money popcy.美联储宽松货币政策的最大受益者,将是亚洲新兴市场,而不是美国消费者。

6.But America and Britain hope to export their way out of trouble, and emerging Asia is slowly shifting towards internal sources of demand.但是美国和英国希望能靠出口来摆脱现在的经济困扰,而且新兴的亚洲经济正在慢慢的转型为靠内需要拉动增长。

7.Perhaps the main risk now facing emerging Asia is not feeble demand in the West but inflation or asset-price bubbles at home.或许,目前亚洲各新兴经济体所面临的主要风险不是欧洲市场需求的低迷状态,而是国内的通货膨胀及资产价格泡沫风险。

8.Perhaps more important, contractionary popcy in Europe and emerging Asia chipped away at global demand for American exports.也许更重要的是,欧洲和新兴的亚洲市场的紧缩政策削弱了全球对美国出口的需求。

9.In emerging Asia the weaker data are evidence of a complete economic recovery, not an imminent relapse.在新兴的亚洲,这些无力的数据不是代表着即将发生的再次衰退,而是代表着经济已经完全复苏。

10.Tourists from emerging Asia account for half of luxury sales in Europe and 15% of sales in the U.欧洲奢侈品消费的50%,美国奢侈品消费的15%均来自于亚洲新兴市场国家的游客。