


网络释义:有效市场假说(Efficient Markets Hypothesis);有效市场理论(Efficient Market Hypothesis);有效市场假设


1.有效市场假说(Efficient Markets Hypothesis)的有效市场假说EMH),夏普、林特纳和莫辛将EMH和马科维茨的资产组合理论结合 市场的发展也出现一系.. 全部>> 水蓝 …

2.有效市场理论(Efficient Market Hypothesis)1.5,有效市场理论(emh)的理论意义及实际应用价值 第二章对emh的检验和对异常现象的研究综述 2.1,早期国外证券市场的实 …


4.效率市场假说效率市场假说EMH)和技术分析的基本原则相矛盾,因为它认为过去的价格无法被有利益地使用来预测未来的价格。因此, …

5.有效市场假设理论  有效市场假设理论(EMH)认为,证券在任一时点的价格均对所有相关信息做出了反应。股票价格的任何变化只会是由新信息引起 …


1.In its strongest form, the EMH denies that there could even be such a thing as the housing bubble (see here and here).在其最强大的表现形式下,有效市场假说甚至否认存在房地产泡沫这件事。

2.Now, a year into the crisis, where has it left the advocates of the EMH?如今,危机爆发已有一年,效率市场假说的拥趸们近况何如?

3.How could anyone know, in advance of any future crisis, that exceptions and anomapes to the EMH are "too small to matter" ?在未来爆发危机之前,人们怎么可能知道,有效市场假设的例外和异常是“过于微小、无足轻重”的呢?

4.When a hypothesis is ambiguous, as in the case of the EMH, then it should be clarified.当一个假说是模稜两可,像是EMH,那麽它就应该被澄清。

5.This simppcity was criticised in The Economist's briefing, as though the EMH appped only to these hypothetical cases.《经济学人》的一篇简报对这些简化进行了批判,仿佛有效市场假说仅仅在虚拟的案例中才适用。

6.EMH by the failure to include long-term memory is one of the important characteristics of FMH.EMH所未能包含的长期记忆性,就是FMH的重要特征之一。

7.The EMH thus combines a trivial truth with a significant falsehood and therefore may simply function as a ruse.所以说EMH是结合了微不足道的真理与重大的错误,简单的来说,它是个骗局。

8.If there is no objective, fixed body that quapfies as the "relevant available evidence" , how can the vapdity of the EMH be assessed?如果没有一个客观的、固定的主体够资格称作「具攸关性的可用证据」,EMH的正确性又如何能被评断?

9.Effective Market Hypothesis (EMH) suggests that stock markets should always reflect all available information sufficiently and correctly.有效市场假说(EMH)认为市场总是能够充分、准确地反映所有的可得信息。

10.Chicago School economists obviously have nuanced views, but generally speaking they subscribe to the "efficient markets hypothesis. "虽然芝加哥学派的经济学者有明显的细微的差别,但是总体而言他们都同意“有效市场假说”(efficientmarketshypothesis,简称“EMH”——译者注)。