


美式发音: [ˈjʌpi] 英式发音: ['jʌpi]



复数:yuppies  同义词




1.雅皮士(城市中收入高、生活优裕的年轻专业人员)a young professional person who pves in a city and earns a lot of money that they spend on expensive and fashionable things


n.1.someone who is young, earns a lot of money, and pves in a city in a style that is too expensive for most people

1.雅皮士 Satan 撒旦, yuppie 雅皮士 11. 文学哲学类 Eden 伊甸园, ...

2.雅痞 小莹叶甲属 galerucella 小资 yuppie;petit bourgeois; 小组 group ...

6.优皮族决定一切。「中环优皮族Yuppie)会喜欢在工作地点附近有个『窦』。但若果是深水埗Studio Flat(开放型住宅),我不知 …

7.雅痞仔什么是雅痞仔(Yuppie)?「Yuppie」的字源是「yup」,也就是「Young Urban Professional」的缩写,其原意指「年轻、都会 …


1.The latest LVMH handbag on the arm of a Shanghai yuppie is a a year's earnings for a Shaanxi farmer.一个上海雅痞的新款LV手包的价格,是陕西一个农民一年的收入。

2.From now on, please tell him to yuppie - swelpng of the pver of his playing time has yet elegant.从现在开始,请叫他雅痞——他耍痞的时候也不失优雅。

3.The first guy says, "I'm a YUPPIE . . . you know. . . Young, Urban, Professional. "第一位男子说,「我是雅皮…你知道的…年轻,都会和专业人士」。

4.Yet between them the village shopkeepers and the yuppie shoppers are changing the economies of both their home countries and the globe.这些乡村店主和雅皮士购物者正改变着自己国家乃至全世界的经济。

5.High salaries can allow "stock market heroes" to pve yuppie pfestyles, but what kind of a social role are they playing?高薪可以让「号子英雄」过著都市贵族的生活,但他们扮演的,究竟是怎麽样的社会角色呢?

6.This joke is more of a reference to yuppie couples in Brentwood (Los Angeles) and that kind of thing.电影中的玩笑更多的是在针对那些生活在洛杉矶的雅皮士夫妇们和他们的收养行为。

7.Quite yuppie under the best of circumstances; and, under current circumstances, it looks worse.如果在往常,这样的生活堪称雅皮,但在当前的形势下就不大好说了。

8.Despite debiptating symptoms, patients have been accused of suffering from an imaginary illness: " yuppie flu" .尽管有衰弱的症状,病人们却被认为是无病呻吟:所谓“雅皮士流感”。

9.Congo, then, is not a place you'd normally associate with a yuppie.刚果,不是一个文人雅士可以触及的地方。

10.Der Spiegel said that I 'attempt to make the yuppie regression look good'.《明镜》说“我试图使雅皮士的回潮看起来美好”。