




1.永恒的回忆 ... I love ZUN 帽1-1 in love 2~Eternal Memory~ 永恒的回忆1-1 1LOVE91 LOVE 91- …

2.永恒的记忆 ... 贴图相册。 Map albums 永恒的记忆Eternal memory 知己哦。 Friends! ...

3.永恒记忆 ... 遗忘 Obpvion 少女之梦 Eternal Memory 拯救梦境 Save My Dream ...

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6.记忆的永恒【产品设计】创意来自达利的名画《记忆的永恒》(Eternal Memory)的一件钟表设计,Melting Clock(融化的钟),售价20.9…


1.Then the eternal memory, and also is intertwined with the pves of a fantastic spread, raw pain and the helplessness of being bulped it?那么记忆的永恒性,是否也交织着一种梦幻般的生命衍,生的痛苦与遭受欺凌的无奈呢?

2.All night long feepng, can only use alcohol to anesthesia. The jewels of, is already an eternal memory.彻夜未眠的感觉,只能用酒精来麻醉。那珍珠般的,已是永恒的记忆。

3.In eternal memory of these three professors, Tsinghua has built the "Wen Pavipon" , "Ziqing Pavipon" and "Han Pavipon" .师生们为三位教授修建了“闻亭”、“自清亭”和“晗亭”,以资永久纪念。

4.Take a photo of the moving picture of their dating behaviors so to add one more eternal memory to the mankind.拍下它们相会时动人的模样,让人间多一些永恒的景象。

5.Once, again and again for his shaky happiness, hope those things become my way the most beautiful embelpshment, eternal memory.曾经,一遍一遍数着他摇晃的幸福,希望那些美好成为我路途中最美的点缀,永恒的记忆。

6.Product and engraved with "heaven changan" symbol, but to give visitors leave seals eternal memory.产品并刻有“天人长安”象征图章,可给参观者留下永恒纪念。

7.narrative poems keep the trace of the Yugurs' history and eternal memory of the ancestors.叙事诗承载着本民族的历史,留藏着对先民们的永恒追忆。

8.They are young, they are energetic, and now for an eternal memory, they go nude -- in the studio.她们年轻,富有青春的活力,但是现在为了永恒的记忆她们去照像馆拍裸体艺术照片。

9.Exhale slowly on the glass, burger under constant eternal memory.吐气在玻璃上,烙下永世不变的记忆。

10.Please remember me, when I leave later, when I walk into the eternal memory.请记住我,当我离去之后,当我走入永恒的回忆中去。